Bewegungsbiomechanik der Wirbelsäule
Erkrankungen der Wirbelsäule sind häufig und die Ursachen hierfür oft nicht vollends geklärt. Mit unserer Forschung tragen wir dazu bei, Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen besser zu verstehen. Wir bewerten bestehende sowie neue Behandlungsansätze und können so Empfehlungen zuhanden der physiotherapeutischen Praxis ableiten.
Für unsere Forschung greifen wir auf die Infrastruktur des Bern Movement Lab zurück.
Weitere Mitarbeitende
- Florin Schneeberger (MSc-Student, BFH)
Raphael Strähl (MSc-Student, BFH)
Kim Lieball (MSc-Studentin, Universität Bern / BFH)
Noelia Bracher (MSc-Studentin, Universität Bern / BFH)
Werden Sie Teil unseres Teams
Für Master-Thesen
Für aktuelle Möglichkeiten zur Mitarbeit im Rahmen einer Master-Thesis wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Dr. Stefan Schmid.
Aktuelle Ausschreibungen:
- Automated daily living activities classification from IMU data in adolescents using a deep learning model
- Validation of a machine learning-based algorithm for the automated recognition of daily living activities from IMU measurements in school children
- Implementing bidirectional coupling in a combined MSK-FE modeling approach for assessing spinal loading in scoliosis patients
Für PhD-Thesen
Zur Zeit haben wir keine offene Doktorand*innen-Stelle.
Andere Stellen
Aktuelle Projekte
Keine Suchergebnisse gefunden.
Abgeschlossene Projekte
- Effects of a short educational video on back beliefs and object lifting behavior in the general population.
PI’s: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD; Guillaume Christe, PT, PhD
Sponsor: Unfunded - Quantifying full-body lifting strategies using a newly developed lifting index derived from regular video recordings: A comparative evaluation and reliability analysis.
PI: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD
Sponsor: Unfunded - Computational modeling of the spine in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. PI’s: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD and Philippe Büchler, PhD
Sponsor: Unfunded - Measuring 3D lumbar spine motion during functional activities using textile sensors: A comparative evaluation and reliability analysis.
PI: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD
Sponsor: Unfunded - Assessing the feasibility and effectiveness of regular training in the ExerCube – A pilot feasibility study.
PI: Claudio Nigg, PhD
Involved member(s) of Spinal Movement Biomechanics Group: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD (Co-Investigator)
Sponsor: Unfunded - Neuromechanical Analysis of selected Corrective Exercise Therapy Approaches in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (ExercAIS).
PI: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD
Sponsor: Unfunded - Patient-specific Musculoskeletal Spine Modeling: Implementing Medical Imaging-based Muscle Morphology using an Automated Deep Learning Approach.
PI: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD
Sponsor: BFH CfP (Grant-no.: 2157PT_G) - Lumbar vertebral loading and paraspinal muscle activity during object lifting in healthy pain-free adults: an exploratory cross-sectional pilot study.
PI: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD
Sponsor: Unfunded - Low back pain: Unveiling the contribution of motor control adaption using biomechanical modeling and neuroimaging. Link
PI: Michael L. Meier, PhD (Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland)
Involved member(s) of Spinal Movement Biomechanics Group: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD (Project partner)
Sponsor: Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant-no.: 185123) - Spine Biomechanics during Functional Activities in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Pilot Feasibility Study.
PI: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD
Sponsor: Swiss Physiotherapy Association (physioswiss) - Novel musculoskeletal models to assess spine segmental loads in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis.
PI: Dennis E. Anderson, PhD (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center & Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA)
Involved member(s) of Spinal Movement Biomechanics Group: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD (Co-investigator)
Sponsor: National Center of Simulation and Rehabilitation Research (Sub-award of NIH grant no.: 5P2CHD065690 - Using subject-specific musculoskeletal spine models to predict segmental loading and individual muscle forces during functional activities in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis.
PI: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD
Sponsor: Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant-no.: 178427) - The Measurement of Spine Dynamics during Gait for the Quantification of Intervention Outcomes in Patients with different Pathologies.
PI: Stefan Schmid, PT, PhD
Sponsor: Swiss Physiotherapy Association (physioswiss)
Nationale Partnerschaften
- Integrative Spinal Research Group, Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland (Michael L. Meier, PhD)
- Computational Bioengineering Group, ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland (Philippe Büchler, PhD)
- Orthopedic Department, University Children’s Hospital Basel (UKBB), Basel, Switzerland (Carol-Claudius Hasler, MD)
- Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Bern University Hospital (Inselspital), Bern, Switzerland (Moritz Deml, MD)
- BFH Computer Perception and Virtual Reality Lab (cpvrLab), Biel, Switzerland (Marcus Hudritsch)
- Department of Diagnostic, Interventional and Pediatric Radiology, Bern University Hospital (Inselspital), Bern, Switzerland (Jasmin Busch, MD)
- Physiotherapie Schori, Bern, Switzerland (Maria Schori, PT)
- Department of Physiotherapy, HESAV School of Health Sciences, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Lausanne, Switzerland (Guillaume Christe, PT, PhD)
Internationale Partnerschaften
- Bouxsein Lab, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center & Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (Dennis E. Anderson, PhD and Mary Bouxsein, PhD)
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, Canada (Carl-Eric Aubin, PhD)
- Institute for Orthopaedic Research and Training, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (Lennart Scheys, PhD)
- Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark (Alice Kongsted, DC, PhD)
In den Medien
Die Medien greifen immer wieder unsere Forschungsarbeit auf und beziehen sich darauf. Eine Auswahl von Beiträgen sehen Sie hier:
- 3sat, öffentlicher, deutscher Fernsehsender, 8. Februar, 2023: Nano «Richtig heben»
- SRF, Schweizer Rundfunkt und Fernsehen, 16. Mai, 2022: Puls, «Rückenschmerzen – Oft sind es die Muskeln»
- SRF, Schweizer Rundfunkt und Fernsehen, 16. Mai, 2022: 10vor10 «Studie: CTs, MRIs und Medikamente verursachen unnötig hohe Kosten»
- «PhysioBib» YouTube-Kanal, 18. August, 2022: «Kritik an Strg_F Krafttrainings-Doku»
- Hauptstadt – Neuer Berner Journalismus, 5. Mai, 2022: «Mythos gerader Rücken?»
Software und Datenbanken
- Personalizable full-body models with a detailed thoracolumbar spine (freely available OpenSim models and MATLAB code for download on SimTK)
- Full-body models with detailed thoracolumbar spine for children and adolescents (freely available for download on the project hosting platform SimTK)
- Spinal kinematics during gait in healthy individuals across different age groups (C3D-files freely available for download)
Wir publizieren unsere Forschungsergebnisse sowohl in internationalen, wissenschaftlichen Publikationen als auch in Magazinen von Berufsverbänden oder Praxispartnern.
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