Ashley Young

Ashley Young Wiss. MA Food Business & Marketing
Freitagnachmittag -
Berner Fachhochschule
Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften HAFL
Fachbereich Food Science & Management
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Bambauer-Sachse. S., & Young, A. (2023, May). Paradoxical fairness perceptions of dynamic pricing sequences. Paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA.
Bambauer-Sachse. S., & Young, A. (2022, May). Intention to spread e-WOM about dynamic pricing for goods and services: the roles of feeling exploited and perceptions of price complexity. Paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Monterey, USA.
Bambauer-Sachse. S., & Young, A. (2022, February). Negative consumer reactions to dynamic pricing with personal and external criteria. Paper presented at the American Marketing Association winter conference, online.
Bambauer-Sachse. S., & Young, A. (2021, June). Consumer Reactions to Dynamic Pricing as a Norm-Breaking Practice with Increasing Levels of Company Clarifications. Paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, online.
Bambauer-Sachse. S., & Young, A. (2020, December). Consumer perceptions of price complexity, manipulation and fairness in the context of increasing levels of differential pricing and dynamic pricing. Paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, online.
Bambauer-Sachse. S., Renaud-dit-Louis, Y., & Young, A. (2020, December). Consumer anger after double deviation: the role of failure severity, service involvement, and recovery timing. Paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, online.