Prof. Dr. Sarah Dégallier Rochat

Prof. Dr. Sarah Dégallier Rochat Leiterin Humane Digitale Transformation
Contact hours
Friday -
Berner Fachhochschule
Champ thématiques stratégiques
Humane Digitale Transformation
Falkenplatz 16
3012 Bern
Head Strategic Thematic Field Humane Digital Transformation
Degree programmes
Bachelor (BFH)
Master in Precision Engineering (UniBE/BFH)
Dynamical Systems
Linear Algebra
Control and Automation
Human Factors in Engineering
Human-Machine Interfaces
Intuitive Programming
Future Skills
Inclusive Design
Agile Manufacturing
- Sarah Dégallier Rochat is the Head of the strategic thematic field « Humane Digital Transformation” at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH). She is a researcher at the Institute for Human-Centered Engineering (HuCE) and the co-leader of the Computer Vision and Virtual Reality Lab (cpvrLab). She holds a BSc and MSc in Mathematics and a PhD in Robotics from EPFL. She received the “Industry 4.0 Shapers” Award in 2019.
As the Head of Humane Digital Transformation, her goal is to foster a development of digital technologies that is centered on the human needs and that aims at creating an inclusive and equitable future. Her personal research focuses on the participative development of inclusive human-machine interfaces and on the upskilling of the workforce in production settings. With her spin-off AutoMate Robotics, she is developing flexible robotic cells that can be easily reprogrammed by non-experts for industrial applications.
Professional experience
- 2022- Head Humane Digital Transformation Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2014-2022 Professor Bern University of Applied Sciences
- 2012-2014 Teacher Gymase (High School) de Burier
- 2010-2012 Post-Doc Researcher Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- 2006-2010 Ph.D., Robotics Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- 2000-2005 Master, Mathematics Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- 1998-2000 Demi-Licence, Psychology University of Lausanne (UNIL)
- 2012-2013 Teaching Diploma in Mathematics (Secondary II) Haute Ecole Pédagogique de Lausanne (HEPL)
- Specialization in User Interface Design - Coursera - University of Minnesota 2019
Other projects
Gerbert Rüf Fundation - First Venture - Power-Up! Making Automation Profitable for High-Mix Low-Volume Production - 2022-2024
Innosuisse - 60597.1 IP-ICT - Agile robotic system for high-mix low-volume production - 2022-2024
Innocheque - 66310.1 INNO-ENG - Flexible Quality Control - 2023
Innosuisse - Robotics Booster - Flexible Pick and Place - 2022-2023
BFH Humane Digital Transformation Call - Augmenting Workers with Mixed Reality - 2022
Innosuisse - NTN Microtech Booster - Active Perception - 2022
BFH-TI Internal Project - Human Factors in Engineering - 2021-2022
Innosuisse - NTN Microtech Booster - Draw Your Task ! - 2021-2022
BFH Digitalisation Call - Upskilling at the workplace: A “learning by doing” approach to continuing education - 2021-2022
Innosuisse - Impulse Project 35610.1 IP-ICT - Towards true collaborative robotics - 2019-2021
Swiss Smart Factory Cluster Project - Cobotic IoT - 2016-2019
S. Dégallier Rochat, L. Righetti, S. Gay and A. Ijspeert. Towards simple control for complex, autonomous robotic applications: Combining discrete and rhythmic motor primitives, in Autonomous Robots, vol. 31, num. 2, p. 155-181, 201
S. Dégallier and A. Ijspeert. Modeling Discrete and Rhythmic Movements through Motor Primitives: A Review, in Biological Cybernetics, vol. 103, num. 4, p. 319-338, 2010.
PhD Thesis
S. Dégallier Rochat, A. J. Ijspeert (Dir.). Discrete and Rhythmic Motor Primitives for the Control of Humanoid Robots. EPFL, Lausanne, 2010
International Conferences
N. Endrissat and S. Degallier, From Blue to White? Cobots and the Humanization of Blue-Collar Work, short paper, 36th EGOS Colloquium, 2020
N. Beuchat, R. Chavarriaga, S. Degallier and J. d. R. Millán. Offline Decoding of Upper Limb Muscle Synergies from EEG Slow Cortical Potentials. The 35th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka, Japan, 2013.
S. Dégallier Rochat, L. Righetti, S. Gay and A. Ijspeert. Towards simple control for complex, autonomous robotic applications: Combining discrete and rhythmic motor primitives, in Autonomous Robots, vol. 31, num. 2, p. 155-181, 2011.
S. Gay, S. Dégallier Rochat, A. Ijspeert and J. Santos-Victor. Integration of vision and central pattern generator based locomotion for path planning of a non-holonomic crawling humanoid robot. 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Taipei, Taiwan, 2010.
A. Gams, S. Degallier, A. Ijspeert and J. Lenarcic. Dynamical system for learning the waveform and frequency of periodic signals - application to drumming. 15th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD), 2008.
S. Degallier, L. Righetti, L. Natale, F. Nori and G. Metta et al. A modular bio-inspired architecture for movement generation for the infant-like robot iCub. 2nd IEEE RAS / EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), Scottsdale, AZ, 2008.
P.-A. Mudry, S. Degallier and A. Billard. On the influence of symbols and myths in the responsibility ascription problem in roboethics - A roboticist’s perspective. RO-MAN, Münich, 2008.
S. Degallier, L. Righetti and A. Ijspeert. Hand placement during quadruped locomotion in a humanoid robot: A dynamical system approach. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS07), San Diego, 2007.
S. Degallier, C. Santos, L. Righetti and A. Ijspeert. Movement generation using dynamical systems: a humanoid robot performing a drumming task. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS06), Genova, 2006.
S. Degallier and A. J. Ijspeert. A bio-inspired architechture for movement generation based on discrete and rythmic movement primitives modeled by dynamical systems, International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM), Cleveland, 2008.
Industrial Conferences and Workshops
Sarah Dégallier Rochat (13.01.2022), "Robot Programming by Demonstration - A feasibility study", NTN Microtech First Loop Closing Event, SIP Biel
Sarah Dégallier Rochat (21.06.21), Panel discussion : "Key challenges in lab automation", Future Labs Live, Online
Sarah Degallier Rochat (2021), Inclusive HMIs for Flexible Cobotics, ILT Swiss Automation, Online Event
Sarah Degallier Rochat (2021), Cobotics, digital skills and the re-humanization of the workspace, 6. F&E Konferenz zu Industrie 4.0 von «Industrie 2025», Online Event
Gabriel Gruener and Sarah Degallier Rochat (2019), Collaborative Robotics: Potential and challenges for the Industry, Swiss R&D Conference of the Initiative “INDUSTRIE 2025”
Sarah Degallier Rochat and Gabriel Gruener (2018), Collaborative Robotics: An Industrial Perspective,Conference on Commercialization of Emerging Technologies (COMS18), Montreux
Gabriel Gruener and Sarah Degallier Rochat (2018), Recent Advances in Collaborative Robotics,Swiss Smart Factory - Networking event, Fraisa S.A., Bellach
Sarah Degallier Rochat and Gabriel Gruener (2018), Industrie 4.0 et robotique collaborative: Quelsavantages pour les PME? (Workshop), Association de Recherche Communautaire en moyens deproduction Microtechnique (ARCM), Rollomatic S.A, La Neuveville
Sarah Degallier Rochat and Gabriel Gruener (2018), Industrial Applications of Collaborative Robotics, Medtronic Open Innovation Day 2018, Tolochenaz
Media Coverage
Eugen Albisser (2022), Programmieren? Es geht auch einfacher?, Technik und Wissen #020
NTN Microtech Booster (04.03.2022), Robot Programming by Demonstration, Linkeding / Blog
Emission Portefeuille (14.01.2022), Telebielingue, L'innovation dans la microtechnique
Philippe Oudot (25.08.2021), Programmation intuitive, Journal du Jura
Johannes Supe (2020), Roboter ermöglichen uns 15-Stunden-Woche», Work Zeitung
José Barnes (2019), L’invité du jour: Sarah Dégallier Rochat, Interview Radio Canal3
Marc Schiess (2019), Les cobots, assistants de l’avenir, Le Journal du Jura
Elsbeth Heinzelmann (2018), Les ingénieux cobots de la BFH-TI, La Revue Polytechnique
External memberships
Member of the SNSF Ambizione Evaluation Committee
Member of the BRIDGE Discovery Evaluation Committee
Member of NTN Booster Robotics Innovation Management Committee
Member of the Swiss Cobotics Competence Center (S3C) Advisory Board
Mentor Swiss TecLadies (SATW)
Mentor Coding Club des Filles (EPFL)
Supervised theses
Kilian Gyger Interface de programmation intuitive pour robots mobiles 2020
Gionata Quadri Smart Robotic System for Table Football 2020
Lars Kipfer Development of an Intuitive HRI for Collaborative Robotics 2019
Lucas Renfer Umsetzung einer Cobotic-Anwendung zum Verpacken von Teilen 2019
Dominik Bielmann Robot Learning By Demonstration of Constrained Trajectories 2019
Ivan Fontana Cobotic Integration Study 2019
Dario Aeschlimann Automated Object Detection in a Collaborative Robot Workspace 2019
Christian Wyss Smart and Dynamic Cobotic Workspace 2019
Leonardo Sartori and Gaëtan Gogniat Robot Control with Dynamic Motor Primitives 2018
Bastien Waeber Flexible Automation for Digital Measuring System 2023-2025
Gabriel Da Costa TBD 2023-2025
Mitra Gholami TBD 2022-2024
Lucas Renfer Cobotic integration for watch manufacturing 2020-2022
Charly Blanc (Ph.D Student) Human Machine Interfaces for Empowerment in Industrial Set-Up 2020-2024
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- French - Native or bilingual proficiency
- German - Professional working proficiency
- English - Professional working proficiency