Prof. Dr. Dörte Watzek
Prof. Dr. Dörte Watzek Dozentin, Co-Leiterin WAT
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Health Professions
Fachbereich Physiotherapie
Murtenstrasse 10
3008 Bern
Department of Scientific Work and Thesis
Module: Social and psychological aspects in physiotherapy
Focus areas
Communication training with Standardised Persons
Counselling and conversation in physiotherapy
Goal setting and motivation for behavioural change
Degree programmes
BSc Physiotherapy
Msc Physiotherapy
CAS InterActing (Bern Academy of the Arts)
- My first professional training as a masseuse is very useful for my work as a lecturer at the Bern University of Applied Sciences, where I am responsible for the Psychological Aspects in Physiotherapy module, including communication training. I am Co-President of the Swiss Working Group for Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Psychosomatics. I studied psychology at the TU Dresden (D) and completed my doctorate at the University of Fribourg (CH) on the subject of emotion transfer. I have dealt with the topics of communication and motivation, e.g. further training in solution- and resource-oriented counselling and actively participated in the qualitative research project "Acting practical knowledge: Investigating its significance in communication training in the
health sector". My counselling skills in learning counselling in the BSc Physiotherapy.
Other projects
Schauspielerisches Praxiswissen: Untersuchung seiner Bedeutung in Kommunikationstrainings im Gesundheitsbereich
Evaluation - Mehrwert der Kommunikations- und Beratungstrainings für die berufliche Praxis in der Retrospektive
Nordic Walking in der Psychosomatik: Effektivität und Ökonomie
Funktion nonverbaler Kommunikation bei geschlossenen Fragen in der Gesprächsführung
Internal memberships
BSc Physiotherapie
Msc Physiotherapie
CAS InterActing (HKB)
Interdisciplinary Communication Group
External memberships
Schweizer Arbeitsgruppe für Physiotherapie in der Psychosomatik und Psychiatrie (SAG PPP)
Stiftung Brüttelenbad (Stiftungsrat)
International Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH)