Dr. Lea Frey

Dr. Lea Frey Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Contact hours
Thursday -
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Agronomie
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Professional experience
- September 2023 – present Research Assistant in the Grassland Management Group HAFL
- June 2015 – February 2017 Technical assistant in the High Energy Red Cover (HERC) Project ETH Zürich
- April – October 2012 Post-graduate practical training the group ‘selection of Apples and Genetic Resources’ Agroscope Wädenswil
- 2010-2012 Teaching Biology, Anatomy/,Physiology and Principles of Science Juventusschule Zürich
- 2022 Promotion as Dr. sc. nat. ETH Zürich
- 2017-2022 Doctoral study in the group Molecular Plant Breeding ETH Zürich
- 2012 – 2015 Master of Science in Crop Science with a strong focus in Plant Breeding and Seed Sciences University of Hohenheim
- 2007-2010 Bachelor of Science BFH in Crop Science HAFL
Peer reviewed articles
Ruckle M, Meier M, Frey LA, et al (2017) Diurnal leaf starch content: an orphan trait in forage legumes. Agronomy 7:16. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy7010016
Frey LA, Baumann P, Aasen H, et al (2020) A non-destructive method to quantify leaf starch content in red clover. Front Plant Sci 11:569948. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.569948
Frey LA, Vleugels T, Ruttink T, et al (2022) Phenotypic variation and quantitative trait loci for resistance to southern anthracnose and clover rot in red clover. Theor Appl Genet. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-022- 04223-8
Nay MM, Grieder C, Frey LA, Amdahl H, Radovic J, Jaluvka L, Palme A, Skot L, Ruttink T, Kölliker R (2023) High diversity and adaptation to breeding environments in a diverse collection of red clover accessions. Front Plant Sci 14:1128823 https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1128823
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- English - Full professional proficiency