Julian Ruf is the new head of the MSc in Digital Business Administration

23.08.2024 Dr Julian Ruf is taking over the management of the Master's degree programme from Marie Peskova. In this short interview, he tells us more about his ideas for modern teaching and what he wants to achieve in our department.

What I am looking forward to in my new position

Working with lots of interesting people, shaping teaching and conducting practice-relevant research.

What I want to achieve at BFH Business School

A good working atmosphere, promoting progressive thinking, driving forward challenging, interesting and innovative teaching, (further) developing exciting research projects.

For me, exciting and successful teaching is

When students are enthusiastic about a topic and learn something for life. When lecturers and students get on well with each other and respect each other.

Research results are important for teaching

The cornerstone for the knowledge on which modern and up-to-date teaching is built.

I can laugh heartily about that

Flat jokes, slips of the tongue, situations with my family and about myself.

I have already discovered in Bern

The Aare, the Marzilibad, the Bundeshaus and good pizza.

Porträt Julian Ruf


Dr. rer. pol., Universität Siegen

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