
What is the Prosumer-Lab project?

This project seeks to research, develop and compare fundamental knowledge, methods and products in a R&D-demonstration platform. The main aim is to optimize the own consumption and to accurately assess the grid behaviour (house and distribution grid) in the interest of an optimized integration of decentralized prosumers into the distribution grid.

The interaction between the distribution grid and the house grid will be investigated. In addition, the socio-economic impacts from a large number of prosumers applying individual optimization strategies on the distribution grid as well as the existing business models of distribution grid providers will be identified and analysed.
Prosumer-Lab is a project financed by a SFOE P&D grant and the industrial partner BKW Energie AG. It has an overall budget of nearly 2 Mio CHF and takes three years to accomplish. The final results of the project are expected end of September 2019.

To answer the first two focus questions a test environment has been set up which allows us to emulate real current flows in a single or multi-family house up to 50 kVA. In this test environment any grid, load or solar power situation can be emulated, so that the energy management system (EMS) to be tested or optimized encounters a real and repeatable environment. These environments are called test scenarios and are provided by a self-made scenario manager. The system can also be combined with the simulation software Polysun from Vela Solaris to involve thermal behaviour of a building (isolation of the building, room temperature, boiler, heat pump, …) or weather conditions into a scenario.

Test bench

The technical details of the test bench can be taken from the Prosumer-Lab fact sheet.

CSEM SA, Berner Fachhochschule, BKW Energie AG, Bundesamt für Energie