Transport Infrastructure

With the aim of ensuring a safe and sustainable transport infrastructure, we develop technical solutions for road systems.

We cover road transport, airport and rail infrastructure. We focus mainly on roads.

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Service portfolio

We provide tailored solutions for companies, associations and federal offices:

  • Research projects commissioned by companies and institutions
  • Technology and product developments tailored to the size of the company (from micro-enterprises to industrial corporations)
  • Support with applying for research funding from national and international funding organisations (including Innosuisse, FOEN, FEDRO, Horizon 2020, COST and CEDR)
  • Consulting engineering, developer consulting and control mandates
  • In-depth expertise on road safety (Road Safety Audit RSA, Road Safety Inspection RSI)
  • Studies on new materials, construction processes and condition survey methods
  • Audit services for road building materials (binding agents, aggregates and mixes etc.)

We are heavily involved in teaching and continuing education. We supervise students’ projects and theses. We also frequently engage master’s students as assistants in research projects. In this way, we contribute to training the experts of the future.

We have connections with the following academic programmes and courses of continuing education:

We aim to transfer all non-confidential research into practice. To this end, we hold events and lectures, write specialist articles, conduct tours, organise workshops, and present our results at trade fairs.

Areas of expertise

We stand out thanks to our specialist expertise and our strong links with industry, standardisation organisations and international research networks.

Our areas of expertise include:

  • Road planning
  • Road transport safety
  • Construction materials: including bitumen-based materials, recycling of materials, surfaces with low energy and environmental footprints (e.g. cold mixes, low-temperature asphalt), low-noise surfaces
  • Mechanical performance of roads and measurement of road and airport surfaces
  • Condition surveying, preservation strategy (pavement management system: PMS) and road maintenance

Forum of European Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL)

As the official representative of Switzerland, we are actively involved in the Forum of European Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL).

We are official member of the International Mastic Asphalt Association IMAA.

Institute for Urban Development and Infrastructure ISI

Transport infrastructure is one of the key focus areas of the Institute for Urban Development and Infrastructure ISI. At ISI, we focus on the optimal interaction of ecological, economic and social aspects of the constructed environment. Other key focus areas are:


Our laboratory for road construction materials (e.g. binding agents, aggregates and mixes) allows us to carry out an extensive range of testing and measurements.


A wide range of opportunities for cooperation exists. I will be happy to answer your questions and look forward to hearing from you: