Take a look at our current and past research and development projects, the majority of which centre on industrial applications. Working in partnership with businesses and other universities, we develop solutions that increase efficiency in materials production while maintaining or improving quality.
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Herzrhythmusstörungen können mit neuen Speiseröhrenkathetern des Institutes HuCE besser analysiert werden. Eine innovative Beschichtung der Elektroden soll dabei die Signalqualität deutlich verbessern.
Institute for Surface Applied Laser, Phototonics and Surface Technologies ALPS
Head of project
Marcel Baak
Mittels laseroptischer und metallographischer Methoden sollen Oberflächen von grossen, rostfreien Stahlplatten im Mikro-/Nanobereich modifiziert werden, um das Erscheinungsbild (Farben, Muster) und die...
Institute for Surface Applied Laser, Phototonics and Surface Technologies ALPS
Head of project
Beat Neuenschwander
The project brief is to develop, test and optimise heat treatments to improve the properties of additive-manufactured metal components.
Institute for Surface Applied Laser, Phototonics and Surface Technologies ALPS
Head of project
Simon Kleiner
In the production of optical coatings, unwanted particles have a negative impact on quality. The PRACMATIC project, led by RhySearch, is researching practical industrial methods for eliminating particle...
Institute for Surface Applied Laser, Phototonics and Surface Technologies ALPS
Research unit(s)
ALPS / Thin Films and Surface Engineering
Head of project
Constant Boris Maxime Rieille
This project investigates processes for the microstructuring of polymers. Structured polymers are used to develop and manufacture microfluidic systems.
Head of project
Patrick Schwaller
The objective of this project is to obtain optical proof of glues and resins on wooden cell walls in conservation and restoration, as well as in applications for the wood industry.
Institute Materiality in Art and Culture
Institute for Surface Applied Laser, Phototonics and Surface Technologies ALPS
Institute for Building Materials and Biobased Products IBBM
Research unit(s)
Conservation Techniques
Wood Modification and Gluing Technology group FGHV
ALPS / Thin Films and Surface Engineering
Head of project
Karolina Soppa