City Platform as a Service – Integrated and Open

Smart City Innovation is the purpose of the joint R&D project between Europe and Japan. This means creating value for the society and all actors in the city environment – people, private enterprises, public administrations.


  • Schools involved Business School
  • Institute(s) Institute for Public Sector Transformation
  • Research unit(s) Data and Infrastructure
  • Funding organisation Europäische Union
  • Duration 01.01.2016 - 30.09.2019
  • Head of project Prof. Stephan Haller
  • Project staff Regula Guggisberg
    Marianne Fraefel
    Prof. Dr. Eduard Klein
    Alessia Neuroni
    Prof. Dr. Jan Thomas Frecè
    Adrian Gschwend
  • Partner The Things Industries
    AGT Group (R&D) GmbH
    Ubiquitous Computing Technology, Inc.
    Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory, Yokosuka Telecom Research
    Odin Solutions S.L.
    University of Surrey
    Access Co., Ltd.
    The University of Tokyo
    Microsoft Japan
    NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH
  • Keywords Smart City, Linked Open Data, Open Government Data, Cloud, Big Data, Internet of Things


The main objectives are to develop a City Platform as a Service (CPaaS) that forms the basis for a smart city data infrastructure, to empower citizens to control their data, and to create impact in cities through validated use cases.

Course of action

The platform links technologies like the Internet of Things, Big Data, and Cloud with Open Government Data (OGD) and Linked Open Data in order to enable a multitude of applications. Thus novel services can be provided either by the city itself or by third parties to the public as well as to businesses. The practical relevance of the platform will be validated with European and Japanese cities that have already experience in the Smart City and Open Data areas.


The project has resulted in a reference architecture for Smart City platforms, in concrete instantiations of this architecture based on the FIWARE and u2 frameworks, in tools for city strategy planners and city developers, as well as in concrete use case deployments in various cities in Japan and Europe, using the tools provided by the project. For details, please see">Main Outcomes on the project's web site.

Looking ahead

The tools and Open Source components developed are being reused in other research projects as well as city-driven Smart City projects worldwide. In addition, the learnings are also incorporated into the teaching curricula.