Career Services at the BFH Business School

The BFH Business School’s Career Services is your steppingstone from university to the world of work. Our services will help you start your career or find the right internship for you. Career Services seminars take place several times on different weekdays and you can come along to as many as you like.

What we offer

What’s the best way to apply for job? How can you make the best impression in an interview? What should you do after you graduate? The Career Services will help you answer all these questions and many more. We want to prepare you for your professional life after graduating from the Business School.

Making the right impression with your application

The hiring manager or recruitment screening software often decides in a matter of seconds whether your application is convincing. In this seminar you will learn what is essential to your cover letter and CV. We’ll show you how to come across in the best possible way.

The successful job interview

This seminar will give you the confidence you need for a job interview. You’ll know exactly what to look out for and how to answer all those difficult interview questions. 

Individual coaching

In the application coaching sessions you will have the opportunity bring up your own concerns and ask any questions specific to your situation. If you wish we can also look at how to polish off your CV, review your references or simply improve the wording of your covering letter.

Professional application photo

After this 10-20 minute professional photo shoot, you will receive a high resolution JPG. Make sure you arrive as you would like to present yourself in your application photo. You are free to decide how you want to look, but if you’re not sure, a shirt, jacket and tie or blazer and blouse normally make the best impression. 

LinkedIn & online applications

After this seminar you will know how to create the kind of LinkedIn profile and network that will get you job offers. You will also learn what to look out for when searching for a job on LinkedIn and elsewhere online. 

Assessments in the application process

«Assessment centres» are part of many job applications. In the seminar we will show you what employers are looking for, how they structure assessments and the kind of tasks you can expect. This seminar prepares you for all aspects of the assessment process. 

The perfect professional impression

There is no second chance for a first impression! In this seminar we help you build the perfect confident appearance. We will also familiarize you with the etiquette of business life.

Building brand «you»

In this seminar you will deepen your understanding of your personal and professional goals. You will be able to distill the essence of your skills and strengths to gain credibility in a variety of situations. This will also help you make your next career move and position yourself professionally.

Careers Day

BFH Business School Careers Day

At our Careers Day you will have the opportunity to speak to a range of employers at their information stands. The programme will also include exciting and insightful presentations.

The next Careers Day will take place in April 2025. Companies interested in participating next year can register here.

Tips for Careers Day

Here are a few tips to help you get the most from the day:

Introducing yourself: 

Prepare a «pitch» about yourself, your career, your interests and your professional goals that lasts about 2-3 minutes. Then make sure you ask a few questions, including:

  • Are there fixed application deadlines?
  • Are blind / «spontaneous» applications also possible?
  • What are the selection criteria?
  • How is the induction period organized?
  • Does the company also offer trainee programs?

Ideally, you will then give the company representative a «personal flyer».


We encourage our students to give the company a two-sided flyer instead of all the usual application documents. It is filed by the company, who will then give you priority in the later application process.

The flyer comprises one double-sided A4 sheet of paper.
front side: 

  • personal details (address, contact details)
  • motivation or goals
  • desired start date


  • education (giving your thesis topic, exchange semesters, study projects; in no more than 3 bullets)
  • professional experience including internships, language courses/certificates
  • any other specialist knowledge and skills

BFH Studentjobs

The BFH job portal for students and graduates

On BFH Studentjobs you can find open positions in companies quickly and easily, subscribe to job notifications and thus launch your career after graduation.
