BRAVA Entry Phase
Raising the quality of national weather, water, climate (WWC) information of Andean countries to a global standard allows key sectors as well as communities, to put on climate change plans and policies while take climate-smart decisions
- Beteiligte Departemente Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften
HAFL Institut Hugo P. Cecchini
Agronomie - Forschungseinheit(en) Internationale Landwirtschaft und ländliche Entwicklung
- Förderorganisation Andere
- Laufzeit 01.11.2021 - 31.05.2022
- Projektleitung Prof. Dr. Filippo Lechthaler
- Projektmitarbeitende Alicia Pache
- Partner World Meteorological Organization
- Schlüsselwörter Society, policy and rural development;Access to markets and value chains;
The significant increase in the number of affected people and economic losses caused by climate-related disasters worldwide over the last decades and the accumulation of extreme events due to climate change has led to a great demand for a better understanding of the climatic processes, a better monitoring and improved warning of extreme events – enabled through technological innovation. A key to this is the provision of so-called weather, water, climate (WWC) information and services. In fact, the majority of countries that submitted their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to UNFCCC and Sendai Framework Implementation Plan have identified WWC information and services as a top priority. Although climate change adaptation efforts have strongly increased over the last decade, the investment in WWC services remains insufficient and the establishment of a regional and global standard for observation systems and data management that serves as a basis for the provision of accurate information and services is lacking in the Andean countries. The lack of active multi-stakeholder networks and partnerships at different levels, as well as the non-optimal processing of WWC information from the observing networks to the end-user & and its action are other existing obstacles.
The overall goal of BRAVA is to strengthen climate resilience in selected Andean countries by increasing capacity to provide WWC services in support of improved climate-related socio-economic outcomes and reduced losses associated with hydro-meteorological hazards. Bottom up and inclusive approaches will challenge providers to tailor information to user-specific institutional and sectoral contexts and promote user-friendly services. This initiative aims to enable Andean communities to make climate-smart decisions based on accurate, understandable, timely, and accessible WWC information to support climate adaptation and resilience in the Andean region. The project will strengthen the operational provision and data management standards and uptake of WWC information tailored for selected sensitive sectors and selected transboundary catchments. Special attention will be given to South-South cooperation and to the improvement of the regional cooperation and the role of WMO’s Regional Climate Centres in South America located in Ecuador, Peru and Argentina. MeteoSwiss that has a rich experience in providing tailor-made WWC services will support the process. The initiative will stimulate a science-based policy dialogue, providing a climate rationale for adaptation planning as well as strengthening the WMO’s Climate services system at national and regional level. The entry phase aims at developing a corresponding project approach.