Dr. Mohammad Rahiminejad

Dr. Mohammad Rahiminejad Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Freitag -
Berner Fachhochschule
Architektur, Holz und Bau
Institut Holzbau
Solothurnstrasse 102
2504 Biel
Weitere Projekte
Experimental study of hydrodynamic and thermal performance of ventilated wall structures, Full-year measuring campaign, Field study measurements in the Controlled Environments for Living Lab Studies (CELLS) in the Smart Living Lab, Fribourg, Switzerland
Detailed U-value analysis of a building prototype according to the criteria established by ISO 6946, ISO 9869, ASTM 1363, and SIA 180, Field study measurements in the Controlled Environments for Living Lab Studies (CELLS) in the Smart Living Lab, Fribourg, Switzerland
The impact of wall structure on the transient thermal response of the building envelopes in the EPFL campus
Assessment of thermal and electrical performance of BIPV façades using simplified simulations
ASHRAE 1759-RP: Impact of airflow on the thermal performance of air-spaces behind claddings, Sponsored by the TC 4.4 committee «Building Materials and Building Envelope» of ASHRAE
Modification of the ASTM C1363-19 test method to incorporate and study air-flow effects and to propose changes, fill in the gap, and to inform the treatment of ventilated air-spaces in applicable test standards, e.g., C1363-19, the ASHRAE HOF, and the ASHRAE Standard 90.1.
Effects of a Building Integrated Photovoltaic system on the thermal performances of a ventilated building envelope
Review and performance analysis of the new generation of ventilated building facades with integrated photovoltaics
Ventilated building skins; Review and performance evaluation
Develop a three-dimensional model for a full length subway platform under real operative conditions
Investigation of the effects of the cross passages in the subway tunnels during fire using CFD methods
Evaluate the air conditioning systems of tunnels and stations in different types of subway platforms
Design of the jet fans to prevent movement of smoke upstream of the fire against the normal direction of ventilation air flow
Develop a three-dimensional model for a tunnel with 4900 m length and a stationary traffic consisted of 1176 vehicles with different scales
Analyze of semi-transverse ventilation systems with ceiling ducts and porous dampers for balancing airflow close to the fire incident during a full traffic congestion
Recommend control strategies for the pre-commissioning tests of the ventilation systems in underground tunnels with empty and full congestion traffic
Numerical Simulation of Water Purification from Pollutant Ions Using Graphene Membrane" using LAMMPS Software
Computer Simulations of Pressure and Velocity Fields in Human Upper Airway during Sneezing
Journal articles
Building Physics and CFD Simulations [Research Experience at BFH]:
1. "Wooden basements; hygrothermal performance analysis using in-field measurements and numerical simulations". Building and Environment. 2024.
2. "Hygrothermal Performance Analysis of Wooden Basements under Critical Conditions". Buildings. 2024.
Sustainable Energy Performance of Buildings [Ph.D. at EPFL]:
3. "Experimental study of the hydrodynamic and thermal performance of ventilated wall structures". Building and Environment. 2023.
4. "Numerical and experimental study of dynamic thermal resistance of ventilated air-space behind passive and active façades". Building and Environment. 2022.
5. "Measuring the effective thermal resistance of ventilated air-spaces behind common wall assemblies: theoretical uncertainty analysis and recommendations for the hot box method modifications (ASHRAE 1759-RP)". Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 2022.
6. "Performance of lightweight and heavyweight building walls with naturally ventilated passive and active facades". Energy & Buildings. 2022.
7. "Thermal resistance of ventilated air-spaces behind external claddings; definitions and challenges". Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 2021.
8. "Review on ventilation rates in the ventilated air-spaces behind common wall assemblies with external cladding". Building and Environment. 2021.
Thermo-fluid Mechanics in Ventilation Systems [Work Experience before Ph.D.]:
9. "CFD simulations of a semi-transverse ventilation system in a long tunnel ". Underground Space. 2023.
Fluid Mechanics in Water Filtration [MSc. Thesis]:
10. "Transport of water contaminated with various ions through nanoporous graphene: A Molecular dynamics simulation". Transport in Porous Media. 2023.
11. "Numerical Simulation of Salt Water Passing Mechanism through Nanoporous Single-Layer Graphene Membrane". Chemical Product and Process Modeling. 2015.
Fluid Mechanics in Sneezing Analysis [BSc. Thesis]:
12. "Computer Simulations of Pressure and Velocity Fields in Human Upper Airway during Sneezing". Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2016.
Peer-reviewed conference papers
Building Physics and CFD Simulations [Research Experience at BFH]:
1. "Optimization of a ventilation system integrated into a window frame using CFD simulations". 2023, Journal of Physics Conference Series. 2600(8):082016.
Sustainable Energy Performance of Buildings [Ph.D. at EPFL]:
2. "Heat recovery from ventilated passive and active facades: A numerical case study". 2022, 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress (CLIMA), Netherlands.
3. "Thermal resistance of the ventilated air-spaces behind external claddings; theoretical definition and a parametric study". Journal of Physics Conference Series. 2021, 2069(1):012197.
4. "In-situ measurements of the U-value of a ventilated wall assembly ". Journal of Physics Conference Series. 2021, 2069(1):012212.
5. "Transient thermal response of opaque building envelope elements: EPFL campus case study". Journal of Physics Conference Series. 2021, 2042(1):012080.
6. "Assessment of thermal and electrical performance of BIPV façades using simplified simulations". Journal of Physics Conference Series. 2021. 2042(1):012081.
7. "Dynamic Thermal Performance of the BIPV Facades". ASHRAE Transactions. 2021, 127,170-179.
8. "Impact of the Ventilated Cavity on the Thermal Performance of Traditional Wall Structures". ASHRAE Transactions. 2021, 127, 187-195.
Thermo-fluid Mechanics in Ventilation Systems [Work Experience before Ph.D.]:
9. "CFD simulations of longitudinal ventilation of a road tunnel in congested traffic condition". World Tunnel Congress. 2019.
Fluid Mechanics in Water Filtration [MSc. Thesis]:
10. "Molecular Dynamics simulation of water purification using monolayer graphene membrane". 12th International Conference on Membrane Science and Technology. 2015.