Doris Hennebert
Doris Hennebert Assistentin GEO / Dozentin für Spanisch
Contact hours
Monday morning
Thursday -
Berner Fachhochschule
Office of the Vice-President Research
Global Engagement Office
Falkenplatz 16
3012 Bern
Employment 1: Assistant for SEMP mobility programmes for students and lecturers.
Employment 2: Lecturer in Spanish at the Department TI and BFH-diagonal.
Focus areas
Employment 1: Scholarship payments in cooperation with the BFH Finance Department.
Employment 1: MoveOn software.
Employment 1: Support of the departmental mobility coordinators.
Employment 1: Providing MoveOn training as super-user.
Employment 1: Conducting the mobility meetings and taking minutes
Employment 2: The main emphasis of the lessons is on language acquisition and communication skills.
Employment 2: Teaching the culture and way of life of the Spanish speaking world.
Spanish - School of Engineering and Computer Science and BFH-diagonal
Professional experience
- 1992 - 1998 Assistance at the Department of Spanish Language and Literature University of Bern
- 1998 - 2000 Assistance Private Banking UBS, Zürich
- 1990 - 2013 Professor for Spanish and French different high schools in the canton of Bern and Belgium (SHAPE), GIBB, Berne University of Teacher Education, Language Schools
- 1983 -1988 Matura/baccalaureate Gymnasium Bern
- 1989 - 1996 Lic.phil.hist. University of Bern
- 1998 - 1999 Diploma of management FEUSI, Bern
- 2005 - 2006 Diploma for matura schools University of Teacher Education, Bern
- 2011 - 2012 CAS Schulen leiten und führen University of Teacher Education, Bern
External memberships
Círculo de amigos de España, Portugal e Iberoamérica
TC Thun
Swiss Paraplegic Group
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- German - Native or bilingual proficiency
- Spanish - Full professional proficiency
- French - Full professional proficiency
- English - Professional working proficiency
- Italian - Elementary proficiency
Intercultural knowledge
- Belgium
- Spain
- France
- Peru