Prof. Dr. Ellen Harriet Fallowfield

Prof. Dr. Ellen Harriet Fallowfield Studiengangsleitung MA Spec Music Per
Berner Fachhochschule
Bern Academy of the Arts
Papiermühlestrasse 13a
3014 Bern
Dr. Ellen Fallowfield leitet den Studiengang Master Specialized Musik Klassik mit den Vertiefungen Forschung, Music in Context, und Neue Musik.
Focus areas
Als forschende Cellistin im Bereich der zeitgenössischen Musik hat sie die Cello Map Webpage und App entwickelt.
Scientific Articles
Fallowfield, E. (2011). Actions and Sounds: An Introduction to Cello Map. Dissonance 115. 51–59.
Fallowfield, E. (2020). Cello multiphonics: Technical and musical parameters. Tempo 74 (291): 51–69.
Fallowfield, E. (2022). Rethinking Instrumental Technique: A Case Study in String Multiphonics. In: M. Dogantan-Dack (ed.). Rethinking the Musical Instrument (45–69). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Fox, C. & Fallowfield, E. (2020). Editorial: The art of the string multiphonic. Tempo 74 (291): 3–5.
Maja Sacher Stiftung
Cello Map: A practical resource for cellists and composers
2012-01 to 2014-04 | Salary award
Maja Sacher Stiftung (Basel, Switzerland, CH)
Ernst Mach-Stipendium
2011-10 to 2012-06 | Grant
OeAD-GmbH (Graz, AT)
Leverhulme Trust
Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentship
2005-09 to 2007-08 | Grant
Leverhulme Trust (London, GB)
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- English - Native or bilingual proficiency
- German - Full professional proficiency