Equal Opportunities

Bern University of Applied Sciences promotes genuine equal opportunities for women and men. It is committed to diversity and promotes equal opportunities for all employees and students. It advocates a respectful and reflective approach to similarities and differences as well as the reduction of discrimination.

Equal opportunities and Diversity at BFH

BFH deems equal opportunities and diversity to be leadership tasks. As cross-cutting issues equal opportunities and diversity permeate all areas. The Specialist Service for Equal Opportunities and a permanent committee coordinate all BFH activities in the field of equal opportunities and diversity and provide counselling and support in the implementation process.

Bern University of Applied Sciences promotes genuine equal opportunities for women and men, and it strives for a balanced gender distribution in all areas, at all hierarchical levels and in all functions.

Areas of action for the realisation of equality for women and men at BFH are laid down in the BFH Statute, Art. 44, and in the Regulations on Equal Rights for Women and Men of BFH (GFMR).

Using the standard analysis model of the federal government (instrument logib), the BFH analyzes its salary practices every two years with regard to equal pay between female and male employees and is represented on the white list of Respect8-3.ch.

The Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2025-2028 (in German) is derived from the strategic areas of focus and the objectives of the Diversity Strategy 2025-2028. For 2025-2028, BFH has set out relevant measures and indicators, as well as responsibilities and resources at BFH and school level.

BFH’s Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2025-2028 complies with the Horizon Europe requirements for a gender equality plan (GEP).

In line with the objectives defined in the BFH Strategy 2023–2026, the Diversity Strategy 2025–2028 serves as a foundational framework for promoting equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion at BFH. It formulates strategic priorities and actionable subgoals, which are detailed in an Action Plan. This plan also includes goals and measures, as well as responsibilities and resources at BFH and school level.

Language shapes our reality and our thinking. That is why, in order to make equal opportunities possible, discrimination-free and inclusive language in which each and all are addressed equally is essential.

Equal opportunities – services and contact points

BFH promotes equal opportunities for its employees and students. It supports balancing of studies and job with family life, in its environment it is committed to tackling sexual harassment and it endeavours to make daily life and access as barrier-free as possible for students and employees with disabilities.