Business Research

Are you interested in research methods that can help you to significantly enhance current business practices, provide grounds for decision making and support relevant change?

Developing skills in business research methods will allow you to gather, analyze, and interpret data effectively. Whether it's market research, consumer behavior analysis, or strategic planning, the ability to rely on business research will empower you to navigate challenges, identify opportunities, and make strategic decisions that are based on sound analysis.

The CAS Business Research equips you with the following competencies:

  • You develop an analytic mindset and critical thinking skills.
  • You gather and interpret relevant data to improve and shape your business.
  • You stay ahead by leveraging data to identify emerging trends and opportunities.
  • You solve a practical business challenge or research question that you want to address while developing your research methods skills.


  • Degree/Certificate Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
  • Duration Total 21 1/2 days
  • Schedule according to schedule
  • Application deadline 6 weeks prior to the start
  • ECTS credits 12 ECTS-Credits
  • Costs CHF 8'500
  • Teaching language Englisch
  • Location Haslerstrasse/Effingerstrasse and online
  • School Business School
  • Next session Autumn 2025 – detailled schedule follows

Content + Structure


Organizations across various industries increasingly rely on data for their decision-making: employee or customer surveys, as well as automatically generated data reports shape our business world. Understanding where the data is coming from and how to interpret and assess it, is therefore pivotal. Acquiring the necessary research method skills does not only make you more versatile but also demonstrates your ability to critically assess information, solve complex problems, and contribute to the sustainable development of your organization.

The CAS in Business Research equips you with the right knowledge to collect, analyze and evaluate data for key organizational processes. This includes employing standard data collection methods such as surveys and interviews and analyzing the collected data using established methods and software. Recent trends such as AI-powered research tools complement the toolkit and turn you into a research expert.

Learning objectives

At the core of the CAS is your own research project. All gained knowledge will be applied to your own case. At the end of the CAS you will be able to 

  • differentiate between different research traditions and their ethical implications;
  • conduct systematic literature reviews that allow you to assess the current state of knowledge;  
  • define a relevant research question that enables you to address your business challenge;
  • apply quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data;
  • apply quantitative and qualitative methods to analyse data;
  • apply AI-powered research tools; 
  • identify and discuss the implications of your research for your business.

Setting the stage

  • Overview of research paradigms and approaches
  • Theory, research and the business world: “Nothing as practical as a good theory” (K. Lewin)
  • Presentation of own research projects/ideas, questions, and challenges 

Critical appraisal of existing research (aka literature review)

  • Conducting systematic literature reviews

  • Evaluating the quality of research literature

  • Evaluating the current state of knowledge 

Questions of design 

  • “That’s interesting!” Formulating research questions and hypotheses

  • Experimental design, quasi-experimental design, and non-experimental designs

  • Cross-sectional vs. longitudinal studies

  • Mixed methods

  • Sampling methods: from convenience to representative 

Data collection methods – quantitative and qualitative 

  • Surveys and questionnaires, including scaling 
  • Interviews (structured, semi-structured, and unstructured)
  • Observational methods
  • Case studies
  • Focus groups
  • Quality criteria and ethics 
  • Research tools and software (qualtrics, etc)

Data analysis - quantitative and qualitative 

  • Descriptive statistics
  • Inferential statistics (parametric and non-parametric tests)
  • Multivariate analysis techniques
  • Coding and thematic analysis
  • Grounded theory
  • Phenomenological analysis
  • Research tools and software (SPSS, R, atlas.ti, taguette, etc.)

AI-powered research 

  • Tools and opportunities 
  • Visual data analysis 
  • Ethical considerations 

Application of research to practice

  • Discussing research results 
  • Identifying the implications for practice 
  • Communicating and presenting the findings 

The CAS comprises expert inputs, self-directed online learning cycles, and hands-on practical workshops in which you develop your research skills.

An individual coach will be assigned based on the orientation and topic of your own research project. Coaching on demand will be offered in each learning unit.

Core to the CAS is your own research project. All learnings will be applied to it.

  • Individual online learning assignments need to be submitted and ‘passed’.
  • The final examination is a report on your individual research project.

We offer short, free learning courses for all students on our CAS programmes. With these offers, we would like to support you in successfully and sustainably completing your CAS.

Effective learning in continuing education at universities of applied sciences (WLF)

You will familiarise yourself with transfer-oriented learning models and techniques. You will reflect on your own learning biography and be encouraged to try out new learning behaviour (online teaching).

Transfer report workshop (WTB)

You will be supported in writing your report and benefit from active peer counselling. You present your unfinished work in progress and receive feedback from the audience as well as from a specialist (face-to-face realisation planned).

Methodology transfer report (MTB)

You will get to know and understand the exact task of a transfer report. We will teach you the quality criteria for writing a good report.

The methodology transfer report is compulsory for all CAS students (including UNI, FH, PH and ETH graduates). Voluntary only for those students who have already attended this course or are taking courses in which no transfer or research report is written.


Our lecturers are recognised experts with sound practical and theoretical knowledge. They have a university degree and many years of experience in adult education.

The complete list of lecturers will be published shortly.

Admission requirements

You are interested in research methods and would like to enhance current business practices. Then you should apply straight away.

Typical participants are: 

  • Experts who are responsible for collecting and analyzing data (e.g. employee surveys, consumer surveys, trend scouts) and want to deepen their skills.

  • Experts who need to categorize expert reports and the results of empirical studies for their work and make them useful for practical applications (business consulting, forecasting).

  • People who want to deal empirically with questions from practice and science.

  • People who aspire to an academic career.

  • People who are aiming for a DAS Pathway to PhD. 

Conditions of admission

University degree

You will be admitted to the programme with a degree from a university, university of applied sciences, university of teacher education, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, or an equivalent foreign university and at least two years of professional experience.

Higher vocational training

If you have a qualification from a higher vocational education institution (Diploma Höhere Fachschule HF, Federal Diploma, Federal Certificate of Proficiency) and several years of professional experience, you will also be admitted to the programme. However, you will be required to attend our Introduction to Academic Study before starting the CAS. Completion of this module is a prerequisite for admission to the CAS.


In exceptional circumstances applicants may still  be admitted. The head of the degree programme will make a decision based upon your application and extenuating circumstances. Please contact us. If you are admitted, you will in any case attend the course «Introduction to Academic Writing» (in German) before the first CAS.

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Bern University of Applied Sciences in «Business Research» (12 ECTS-Credits).

Organisation + Application

This CAS comprises 6.5 days on Campus sessions, 5 eLearning days and 10 guided implementation and coaching days.

Online Application

Documents required for your application

You apply via our portal. Please upload the following documents, even if you have already submitted them for another application:

Organisational information

The application deadline for the degree programme is 6 weeks before the start. If places are available, later registration is possible.

CHF 8'500, including all compulsory literature, course materials and certificates of competence.


In our FAQ you will find answers to many questions about the administration and organisation of our continuing education programme (in Germany only).

Study Counselling

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us. We are happy to help.


 Location: Haslerstrasse 30/Effingerstrasse 47 in Berne as well as online.