Asylum: Uncertainty instead of protection? For a better understanding of the everyday experiences of refugees

This event is dedicated to the everyday experiences of recognised refugees in Switzerland and analyses the connection between asylum, protection, insecurity and violence.

30.10.2024, 6pm–8pm – Berner Generationenhaus, Spittelsaal, Bahnhofplatz 2, 3011 Bern

What is life like for people who have gone through the asylum procedure in Switzerland and have been granted protection status? Asylum implies the experience of violence in the past. To a certain extent, violence is the basis or prerequisite for a person being granted asylum. But does asylum conversely promote a state of non-violence or the possibility of recovery from experienced violence? How are experienced safety and solidarity related? And how is safety spatially and socially located?  

This event will give you an insight into the SNSF project "The interplay of protection and violence in the context of flight and asylum". The project managers will present the key findings from their research into the everyday experiences of refugees in Norway and Switzerland and place the interplay between protection and violence in a broader context.

In a panel discussion with voices from science, politics and practice, the relationship between protection and violence will then be examined from different perspectives, forms of violence and different types of protection spaces will be highlighted and the need for action will be identified. In dialogue with the audience, the aim is to show to what extent and by what means each of us can contribute to greater protection and recognition in the everyday lives of refugees and beyond.

Key Visual Unsicherheit statt Schutz


  • Start date 30.10.2024, 6pm–8pm
    Add to calendar
  • Place Berner Generationenhaus, Spittelsaal, Bahnhofplatz 2, 3011 Bern
  • Application deadline 25 October 2024
  • Costs The event is free of charge.

Introductory presentation:

  • Violence in the safe harbour? Everyday experiences of refugees in Switzerland and Norway
    by Dr Carolin Fischer, project manager of the SNSF project "The interplay of protection and violence in the context of flight and asylum", and Manuel Insberg, project team member, Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH

Discussion round with: 

  • Valentina Achermann, President of the Parliament of the City of Bern (SP), psychologist for children and young people at the Outpatient Centre for Victims of Torture and War 
  • Dr Clara Bombach, Lecturer, Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH 
  • Munia Hassoun 
  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Strasser, Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Bern 


  • Dr. Eveline Ammann Dula, Head of the Institute for Social and Cultural Diversity, Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH 

The event aims to convey what asylum means as a living condition and how we can all support a safe arrival and life in Bern and other places in Switzerland. 

The event is aimed at anyone who can and wants to contribute to making Switzerland a safe haven for refugees.  


  • Dr Carolin Fischer, responsible for the SNSF project "The interplay of protection and violence in the context of flight and asylum", Bern University of Applied Sciences, BFH 
  • Manuel Insberg, member of the SNSF project "The interplay between protection and violence in the context of flight and asylum", Bern University of Applied Sciences, BFH 

Participating panellists: 

  • Valentina Achermann, President of the Parliament of the City of Bern (SP), psychologist for children and young people at the Outpatient Centre for Victims of Torture and War 
  • Dr Clara Bombach, Lecturer, Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH 
  • Munia Hassoun 
  • Prof. Dr Sabine Strasser, Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Bern 


  • Dr Eveline Ammann Dula, Head of the Institute for Social and Cultural Diversity, Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH 
  • University of Bern 
  • Swiss Red Cross