
With a thematic focus on methods of artistic research.

23.05.2024, 10am–3pm – HKB, Fellerstrasse 11, 3027 Bern and Stadtgalerie, Waisenhausplatz 30, 3011 Bern


Methods in Artistic Research: "What, How, Why?”

Part I: Fellerstrasse 11, 3027 Bern, Aula gross (Room 155)

10 am
Welcome and introduction: Priska Gisler

10.15−11 am
Markus Schwander
Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Institute Arts and Design Education IADE
Researching by Publishing

11.15−12 am
Maia Gusberti
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Design Film and Art
The Image as a Visual Habitat

12 am−1.30 pm
Lunch at Buffet Nord

Part II: Stadtgalerie, Waisenhausplatz 30, 3011 Bern

2−3 pm
Nina Wakeford
Goldsmiths, University of London
The Inheritance of Voices: Is There an "Inventive Method" in Respeaking?

Talk within the exhibition "Nina Wakeford – Concrete Comeback ⚣⚢ Arms are for Linking"

Registration for lunch by May 15.


  • Start date 23.05.2024, 10am–3pm
    Add to calendar
  • Place HKB, Fellerstrasse 11, 3027 Bern and Stadtgalerie, Waisenhausplatz 30, 3011 Bern