Matura Fair Zurich 2023 6 September 2023

What happens after the Matura, vocational or specialist Matura? The Matura fair will be held in Zurich on 6 September 2023. The BFH will also be there with a stand. Come and visit us!

06.09.2023, 10am–4pm – StageOne, Zürich-Oerlikon, Elias-Canetti-Strasse 146, 8050 Zürich


  • Start date 06.09.2023, 10am–4pm
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  • Place StageOne, Zürich-Oerlikon, Elias-Canetti-Strasse 146, 8050 Zürich


The Matura Fair Zurich is the fair for high school students, cantonal school students, vocational, technical, commercial, business & IT secondary school students who want to get an overview of the study programmes at the leading Swiss universities and discover their entry opportunities with top employers.

In addition, you can learn about various options for a gap year and be inspired by top-class speakers for your choice of studies and career. Find out in person and at first hand about your many options!

Of course, parents, teachers and study and career advisors are also very welcome at the Matura Fair Zurich.

Matura Fair Zurich