Lean Innovation Award LIA - Take part and get your own idea off the ground

19.06.2024 Are you ready to take the first or next step? Do you want to conquer the world of innovation with your idea? Then don't miss the chance to take part in the exclusive masterclasses and pitching night of the Lean Innovation Award LIA.

The Lean Innovation Award LIA offers an exclusive series of masterclasses led by experts such as Christian Hirsig, Noora Buser and Béatrice Wertli. Gain valuable insights into topics such as impact business models, financing and legal forms or pitching and negotiation techniques. The highlight is the Pitching Night, where you can present your idea to a high-calibre jury.

We are looking for participants who would like to get their business idea ready for launch. The idea can also be formulated first in order to be ready for further programmes / incubators. The LIA offers a platform to present forward-looking projects and ideas that are characterised by innovative strength and sustainability. 

Why you should take part:

  • Knowledge & inspiration: the exciting masterclasses and workshops will help you to further develop your knowledge and skills.
  • Exclusive network: Get in touch with decision makers and innovators from different industries.
  • Practical solutions: Gain access to field-tested tools and resources that will help you efficiently tackle current and future challenges.

Join us and work on the marketability of your idea. Places for the masterclasses are limited, so make sure you register today. Click here to register directly. 

Overview of all dates

Overview of all dates

The Lean Innovation Award is an initiative of the Impact Hub Bern, with support of be-advanced AG, Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Berner Kantonalbank AG, stiftung sostenuto and Bern Economic Development Agency.