Plasma Surface Engineering

We develop plasma technology-based processes for surface modification. In this extensive range of applications, we specialise in the use of plasma diagnostics for process optimisation.

Our research group

In the field of plasma we focus specifically on microwave plasma at both reduced and atmospheric pressure. We also use modern methods, such as HiPIMS, for specialised coating processes and develop small piezo-transformer-driven micro-plasmas for surface modification at atmospheric pressure.

Range of services


We have a wide range of instruments, including plasma process reactors for process development and diagnostics equipment.

Applied plasma process development is not possible without intensive collaboration with partners specialised in this field. We can count on the support of partner groups in ALPS and external institutions. 

Long-term cooperation with research groups such as: 

There is a close and long-term collaboration with our industrial partners and suppliers, such as: 

Our research group is composed of students, engineers and researchers from various disciplines.


Contact us or meet our experts in person at various events. Collaboration produces win-win outcomes for everyone concerned – your company, society and the university.