Quality in Healthcare innovation field

Our research targets data-driven quality development in healthcare. We pay particular attention to measurement and evaluation methods with the aim of enabling informed decisions.

“The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm” (Florence Nightingale, 1863).

This inspiring quote guides us in our research as we aim to contribute towards preventing harm and the associated costs in healthcare. We therefore work with a range of national and international partners to develop methods for generating data on the quality of care in different settings and make it usable for different stakeholders. This creates bases that show the potential for quality development in healthcare and nursing, thus enabling informed decision-making for patients and professionals.

Research topics

Our research focuses on five different topic areas:

  • Quality measurement in the healthcare sector
  • Risk adjustment for fair quality comparisons
  • Suitably communicating quality data results to the target group
  • Data-driven quality development and evaluation
  • Evidence-based, informed decision-making


  • Partnerships
