Nachhaltigkeitsberatung von Biobetrieben (Bioland)
A sustainable agricultural production is desired by society, industry and farmers. In this project, a method is developed and applied that shall support a voluntary, autonomous development of farms towards more sustainability.
- Schools involved School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
- Institute(s) Agriculture
- Research unit(s) Sustainability and ecosystem
- Funding organisation Others
- Duration 01.08.2013 - 23.11.2016
- Head of project Prof. Dr. Jan Grenz
Project staff
Prof. Dr. Jan Grenz
Dr. Christian Thalmann
Susanne Stalder Bolliger
Michael Christian Schoch -
Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FibL
Bioland Beratung GmbH - Keywords sustainable agriculture, organic agriculture, farm consultancy, farm strategy
The aim of the project is to develop and make available an approach that supports the voluntary analysis and development of farms towards greater sustainability.