Mapping Worldmaps

Maps of the world are subject to specific conventions of design and construction. The Equator mostly runs horizontally across the middle, and the geographical centre is defined by the choice of projection.


  • Lead school Bern Academy of the Arts
  • Institute Institute of Design Research
  • Research unit Knowledge Visualization
  • Funding organisation SNSF
  • Duration (planned) 01.01.2015 - 30.06.2017
  • Project management Dr. Harald Klingemann
  • Head of project Prof. Dr. Julia Mia Stirnemann
  • Partner Schweizerischer Nationalfonds SNF
    Uni Zürich, Institut für Geografie
    Uni Bern, Institut für Kunstgeschichte


The forms and colors remain ever the same and thereby condition our view of the world. Current world maps are thus situated within narrow limits with regard to their construction and design.

Course of action

This is the starting point for the project Mapping world maps: it will enable us to display the diversity of all possible world maps by combining individual design and construction elements. These elements will first be placed in a hierarchical classification system and then combined in a goal-oriented manner. In order to generate alternative world maps this way, project-specific software is being developed.