Interprofessionalität im Ges.wesen

Interprofessional Collaboration in Health Care - Inventives and Barriers in Professional Practice


  • Schools involved Business School
  • Institute(s) Institute for Innovation and Strategic Entrepreneurship
  • Research unit(s) Low-end Innovation
  • Funding organisation Others
  • Duration 01.05.2017 - 31.12.2019
  • Head of project Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gurtner
  • Project staff Miriam Dominique Wettstein
    Prof. Isabelle Clerc
  • Keywords Interprofessionalism, Innovation barriers, Management in healthcare organizations


The subproject "Incentives and Barriers in Professional Practice" is part of the Federal Office of Public Health's "Interprofessionalism in Health Care" support program (see and meets the challenges in the Swiss health care system with the approach of interprofessional collaboration.

Course of action

In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of factors influencing the implementation of interprofessional collaboration, the project uses a basic scientific model that deals with triggers of the adoption process of innovations. The transformation from non-user of an innovation to users is in the center of attention. The focus is on barriers, drivers and triggers of the transformation. A multi-perspective view of transformation involves both individuals and institutions that are currently not yet implementing interprofessional collaboration and individuals and institutions that are already doing so successfully. Thus, all relevant aspects - barriers, drivers, triggers - can be analyzed in order to create a comprehensive model of the transformation process and formulate precisely tailored political recommendations for action.


Finally, recommendations for action are developed, especially for the federal government. For this purpose, two perspectives are included in the analysis: bottom-up and top-down. In the bottom-up perspective, the persons and organizations affected by the implementation are asked where they consider federal participation to be necessary, useful and mandatory. In a second step, the top-down perspective then complements the federal government's own perspective. Both perspectives are developed and analyzed in workshops. The results are documented and, following the workshops, translated into concrete recommendations for action. Together with the results of the other work packages, these form the basis for the final report of the project.

Looking ahead

Interprofessionalism remains a topic that offers many potentials, especially in the health care sector, but at the same time faces many barriers. The implementation of corresponding objectives in health care organizations and the measurement of their actual implementation are the key to further development.