Digital Skills Peer Tutoring Pilot Project
In this project, tutorials designed to enhance interdisciplinary digital skills will be developed, implemented and evaluated. This pilot project will form the basis for the university-wide introduction of such tutorials at BFH.
- Schools involved Business School
- Institute(s) Institute for Digital Technology Management
- Research unit(s) Digtial Innovation and Transformation
- Funding organisation BFH
- Duration 01.01.2019 - 30.04.2022
- Head of project Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmid
Project staff
Joëlle Simonet
Prof. Dr. Thomas Jarchow
Tina Maurer - Keywords Peer-to-Peer, Digtial Skills, Tutoring, Future Skills, OER
It is nowadays essential to have digital skills. To date, these skills have not been systematically addressed by core teaching programmes at BFH. In the “Digital Skills” tutorial, student tutors in their third semester and later will provide targeted support to first semester students, focusing on helping these develop general and study-related digital skills. This will assist students during their orientation phase at BFH and promote the systematic improvement of digital skills relevant to academic and professional activities. The finalised concept will be made available internally within BFH and externally as an open educational resource.
Course of action
During the 2019 - 2020 project period, the focus will be on the development of a tutoring training course for first semester students throughout BFH, as well as on its implementation, realisation and evaluation in a pilot course undertaken at a selected BFH department.
In the project, a tutorial concept and a training concept for tutors and teaching content on digital skills for first-year students have been developed, implemented and evaluated.
Looking ahead
The tutoring concept and training concept will be shared as OER beyond the BFH in the future. Digital «Skills Peer Tutoring» will continue to take place, initially at the BFH Business School and from the academic year 2022/23 as part of the BFH set of optional modules «BFH diagonal» under the title «Digital Skills Coaching».