Use of reinforcement grids for pavement maintenance
In asphalt pavement, different solutions are proposed in terms of maintenance/repair processes and techniques. Among them, reinforcement techniques by inclusion of reinforcement grids are becoming increasingly important.
- Schools involved School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering
- Institute(s) Institute for Building Materials and Biobased Products IBBM
- Research unit(s) Mobility and Transport Infrastructure group FGMV
- Funding organisation Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (Bundesverwaltung)
- Duration (planned) 01.12.2020 - 31.05.2023
- Head of project Nicolas Bueche
- Project staff Dr. Muhammad Rafiq Khan Kakar
- Keywords Pavement reinforcement; Reinforced pavement design; Reinforcement grids for pavements; Maintenance
In the Initial phase, the project is planned to investigate different products that were selected based on their current availability and practice on the Swiss market. The project plans to investigate the selected reinforcement products both at laboratory and field scale.
Course of action
In order to establish the basis for the assessment of distresses and the sizing of pavements with reinforcement grids, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of damage and to know the behavior of the materials along with the damage mechanisms such as fatigue behavior, resistance to cracking etc. In addition, it is necessary to understand the extent to which the presence of the grid alters the state of distress/deformation in the structure of the roadway (modification of rigidity, distribution of stresses, etc.). In order to achieve these objectives, two distinct and complementary phases will be performed: controlled tests (laboratory) as well as full-scale in situ trials.
- The planned work will allow the revision of the standardization and best practice in the field of reinforcement grids, the control of the asphalt in place (e.g. adhesion between layers) and of course the strengthening of the pavements. This will clarify various elements useful to all stakeholders in the field. - The research will also allow us to compare, with the same methodology, different materials proposed for pavement reinforcement, highlight their possible differences (performance) and determine their optimal area of use in construction and road maintenance. Savings in natural resources (bitumen, aggregates, energy) and an increase in service life is also expected. - Delivery of technical, objective, and independent elements relating to the use of reinforcement grids in road pavements.