Empower Future Learning

Enable teachers to develop competences in the digital age on their own responsibility.


  • Schools involved Business School
  • Institute(s) Institute for Applied Data Science & Finance
  • Research unit(s) Future Skills Lab
  • Funding organisation Others
  • Duration (planned) 01.10.2020 - 30.06.2023
  • Head of project Rolf Helbling
  • Project staff Katarina Gromova
    Sina Schärer
  • Keywords Attitude, Self-directed learning, learning scenarios, Teaching development, School Development, Working Out Loud, ePortfolio, methodological competences, 21st Century Skills, mindset


The average teacher completed their own professional training many years or even decades ago. At that time, the focus was on conveying content - teaching. With our project, we want to enable teachers to experience new learning scenarios themselves, to use them in their own lessons, to reflect on them and to develop them further. We achieve this by training some teachers at the school to become 'Future Learning Coaches', who in turn take their colleagues at their school along on their journey. In order for the project to have as broad an impact as possible at the grassroots level, we will not focus on individual teachers, but will train suitable teachers as 'Future Learning Coaches' who will develop the implementation strategy at their own school and implement the new forms of further education locally.

Course of action

With the model of the six attitudes, the teacher deals with his/her pedagogical attitude for teaching in the digital transformation. The teacher plans his or her further training priorities on a semester-by-semester basis, realises the corresponding goals in a self-directed manner, regularly discusses them in a 'Working Out Loud - Circle' (WOL Feedback) and reflects on the development in an ePortfolio. In the appraisal interview, they report on their development, discusses personal successes and sets the priorities for the coming semester.


The unused potential at schools is great. Educational institutions from Sixth Form onwards are still too much stuck in imparting knowledge. The aim is to support schools in planning and implementing the change process in the digital transformation at the institution.

Looking ahead

Many educational institutions were overwhelmed by the digital transformation. They made do with digital tools and digitised analogue processes that will no longer exist in the future. A first step has been taken by looking at one's own pedagogical approach and recognising the needs of the learners. Then it is a matter of developing further and expanding methodological competences. The project continues to develop in an agile way.

Es ist ein surreales Bild, bei dem der Schatten eines Mannes zu sehen ist, der am Ufer eines Sees steht. An der Wasseroberfläche spiegelt sich eine  Skyline mit Wolkenkratzern.
Keyvisual Projekt Empower Future Learning