Skills for Youth Economic Empowerment in Northern Mozambique (SIM!)
Rural and peri-urban youth, in equal gender proportion, have enhanced (self-)employment and income opportunities by increasing their access to market-relevant skills and training, enabling them more easily to insert in to the labour market.
- Schools involved School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
HAFL Institut Hugo P. Cecchini
Agriculture - Research unit(s) International Agriculture and Rural Development
- Funding organisation Others
- Duration (planned) 01.05.2022 - 31.12.2026
- Head of project Johannes Brunner
Project staff
Johannes Brunner
Dr. Karin Zbinden Gysin
Prof. Dr. Roland Stähli
Dr. Alessandra Giuliani -
Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Université de Lausanne - Keywords Capacity building;Curriculum development;Innovation and co-creation of knowledge;
Based on the past and on-going experience in non-formal Vocational Skills Development (VSD) in the region, the project implementors will further build capacities of artisans, agri-business owners and agricultural MSMEs that are recognised by the community for their quality work. They will deliver vocational training to vulnerable youth in Northern Mozambique who are left out of mainstream educational and training facilities, by developing local vocational training systems at community level, supported by local, provincial, and national stakeholders, and carried out by local training businesses. As a complement, the project partners will facilitate literacy and numeracy catch-up training through the local schools and, with the support of the National Institute for Employment (INEP), they will strengthen these non-formal training providers to mentor youth and accompany them towards labour market insertion. SIM! focusses on improving training quality and inclusion with a results-based financing mechanism also used for in-kind reimbursement of investment loans. Basic skills training and on the job coaching of their life projects guide youth towards a first job or business participation. Local authorities and better organised non-formal training providers will play an important role in collecting evidence and advocating for a better inclusion of youth needs in education and employment policies.