Measures to strengthen leadership for quality in the healthcare sector

Governance and leadership are crucial for the quality of medical services. The Federal Council has commissioned the BFH to draw up practical recommendations for strengthening managers in the healthcare system.



For more than ten years, it has been pointed out internationally that governance and leadership are important elements in promoting the quality of medical services and thus reducing patient suffering and costs. Within the framework of the national quality strategy for the years 2022-2024, the Federal Council has defined governance as a central field of action. To this end, the Berner Fachhochschule (BFH) was commissioned by the Swiss Federal Quality Commission (EQC) to formulate evidence-based and practice-oriented recommendations for measures to strengthen the leadership of managers at various levels of the healthcare system in order to promote the quality of medical services.

Course of action

In a first step, a literature review will be conducted to summarize the scientific evidence on measures to strengthen the leadership of employees with leadership and management responsibilities for quality. The results will then be reviewed by members of the Advisory Board and discussed in a workshop as part of a Delphi survey. Based on the results of the literature review, a Delphi consensus process will be designed. The identified measures to strengthen leadership for quality in health care will be integrated into an online questionnaire and evaluated live by a group of experts. Finally, the results of the literature review and the expert survey will be reported in terms of evidence-based measures to strengthen leadership for quality in health care and recommendations will be derived for the various stakeholders - providers, insurers and authorities.

This project contributes to the following SDGs

  • 3: Good health and well-being