Gig Work in the Cleaning Sector in Switzerland

This project focuses on gig work in the cleaning sector from a gender perspective.


  • Lead school Business School
  • Institute(s) Institute for New Work
  • Funding organisation SNSF
  • Duration (planned) 01.09.2024 - 31.08.2028
  • Project management Prof. Dr. Isabelle Zinn
  • Head of project Hélène Widmann
  • Keywords Gig work, Cleaning sector, Regulation, Valorization, Gender


Digital platforms, such as those offering cleaning services, have been developing in Switzerland over the past decade. While they are generally portrayed as leading to the deregulation of employment, platforms offering cleaning services present themselves as bringing more regulation and valorization to cleaning work in a traditionally deregulated sector. This research project explores this dynamic.

Course of action

The research will adopt a qualitative methodology, focusing on the perspectives of the actors involved.


The project aims to identify the challenges related to gig work in the household sector from the point of view of the actors. It adopts a gender perspective that pays attention to individuals' agency.

Looking ahead

Studies on digital platforms often focus on male-dominated sectors such as delivery and transportation. This project emphasizes the female-dominated household sector, which is less studied. By considering the specific challenges of the household sector, this research offers a new perspective on an understudied area.