National Quality Monitoring System
We develop recommendations for the content and user groups of a national monitoring system for the quality of healthcare services.
- Schools involved School of Health Professions
- Institute(s) Nursing
- Research unit(s) Innovation in the Field of Quality in the Health Sector
- Funding organisation Others
- Duration (planned) 01.10.2024 - 31.12.2026
- Head of project Prof. Dr. Sabine Hahn
Project staff
Leonie Roos
Prof. Dr. med. Christian Huber
Dr.phil. Sonja Widmayer -
Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS)
Universität Luzern
This project responds to the call by the Federal Quality Commission (FQC) for “recommendations on the content and user groups of a national quality monitoring system for healthcare services” and is being carried out under the leadership of the Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS). It involves 20 senior experts from 13 leading research institutions throughout Switzerland, coordinated under the umbrella of the SLHS. The project objectives are (1) to define the purpose and user groups of the quality monitoring system, (2) to develop an evaluation framework for the selection of quality indicators, (3) to review existing existing quality initiatives and indicators in Switzerland and internationally, (4) selecting and prioritizing quality indicators, and (5) conceptually developing processes for ongoing evaluation and adaptation of these indicators. See also the news of the University Lucerne below.
Course of action
Based on the findings of the FOC-Report published in January 2024, as well as on literature research and expert interviews, the project focuses on the comprehensive involvement of stakeholders through a participatory approach. This approach includes the establishment of a sounding board with key stakeholders, as well as the implementation of surveys and Delphi studies. Together the UPK and the BFH form working group 4 (WG4). This WG4 is dedicated to psychiatric care. This includes inpatient and outpatient psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care, from prevention to acute psychiatry and chronic treatment, and covers adult psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry and forensic psychiatry. This working group will build on existing QMS (e.g. in the ANQ psychiatry department).