Fit für BANI

Brittle, anxious, non-linearity and incomprehensibility are challenges for rehabilitation clinics. In order to meet these challenges, an organizational willingness to change and resilience are required


  • Schools involved School of Health Professions
    School of Social Work
  • Institute(s) Kompetenzzentrum Interprofessionalität
  • Strategic thematic field Thematic field "Caring Society"
  • Funding organisation BFH
  • Duration 01.04.2024 - 31.10.2024
  • Head of project Prof. Dr. Mirjam Körner
  • Keywords organizational resilience, Transformations, Willingness to change, Toolbox, action strategies, BANI


In addition to the general current BANI challenges (brittle, anxious, non-linearity, incomprehensibility), rehabilitation clinics are subject to particularly high pressure to change as part of the healthcare system, for example due to new financing systems (flat rates per case), digitalization processes, more complex, multimorbid patients with the same or lower staffing ratios and a shortage of specialists. In order to meet these challenges and be fit for the future, rehabilitation clinics must develop a high level of organizational readiness for change and resilience at both an organizational and individual level. The aim of the project is to record the organizational readiness for change as well as the organizational and individual resilience and, based on this, to develop participatory/co-creation strategies for the successful management of transformations and the strengthening of organizational resilience.

Course of action

1. status quo survey: recording of individual and organizational resilience as well as organizational readiness for change and other influencing/effective factors (e.g. workload, employee satisfaction, well-being) among employees and managers in the rehabilitation clinics (questionnaire survey) 2. feedback and development and testing of tools for dealing with transformation processes: a. Feedback on the status quo survey and discussion of potential for improvement (group discussions) b. Addressing weaknesses, participatory development of optimization strategies (interventions, tools, etc.), implementation of the intervention and evaluation. c. Evaluate the strategies used with the help of interviews with managers and employees at different hierarchical levels. 3. compilation of empirically tested strategies / tools; creation of a toolbox (publicly accessible website for rehabilitation clinics) with recommendations for action, strategies, instruments to strengthen organizational readiness for change and resilience.


Action strategies for the successful management of transformations and the strengthening of organizational resilience.

Looking ahead

By now, there is no research known that examines organizational readiness for change and organizational resilience. In healthcare, little attention has so far been paid to the organizational level and its development. Rehabilitation is also often neglected in healthcare research. The project creates the opportunity to strengthen the organizational readiness for change and resilience of rehabilitation clinics and to further develop it for other sectors of the health and social care system and beyond. The project is a first building block for the development of organizational health services research in the Competence Center Interprofessionalism (Health). The findings form an important component for the further development of the IORG's strategic focus on "leadership" (social work). The findings can be directly integrated into teaching and continuing education in both departments.