Business Simulation (BTW1502)

Only interdisciplinary teams can win this race! You as students manage a company and compete with other student groups in your industry. Apply your business and technology skills and get the first price.

  • Students can integrate knowledge from logistics, production, marketing, and cost accounting to simulate a real own business.

  • Students can apply a methodology for problem structuring and problem solving.

  • They hone their decision-making skills under possibly real conditions, such as time pressure and complex situations.

  • They can negotiate a consensus in interdisciplinary teams.


  • Degree/Certificate Passed/failed
  • Duration Week 37
  • Schedule Monday–Friday, 08:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m.
  • Application deadline Week 26–30 – online in IS-Academia
    Priority is given to students of the BSc Industrial Engineering and Management (max. group size: 20).
  • ECTS credits 2 ECTS credits
  • Costs No additional costs
  • Teaching language Teaching: German/English
    Competency Assessment: German/English
  • Location Biel
  • School School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Next session Autumn semester