Copyright vs Copyleft (BID0523)

How do we navigate two driving forces in todays digital realm: competition vs cooperation.

  • You will gain a critical outlook on the digital realm and have an understanding of the relevant theory through texts and examples from a wide range of writers and makers.

  • Several external experts from fields like media studies and information law will share their perspectives on the subject.



  • Degree/Certificate Passed/failed
  • Duration Week 08–21
  • Schedule Tuesday, 06.15–07.45 pm
  • Application deadline Week 51–02 – online in IS-Academia
    Number of places 25
  • ECTS credits 3 ECTS
  • Costs no additional costs
  • Teaching language Teaching: English, German
    Exam: English, German
  • Location Bern and online
  • School Bern Academy of the Arts
    Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • Next session Spring semester