Cross-cultural Communication and diversity (BID0372)

Learn to apply current theoretical frameworks when analysing cross-cultural case studies. Stimulate your awareness for similarities and differences between different cultural backgrounds.

  • You strengthen your intercultural communication skills.

  • You will be able to apply cultural theoretical frameworks in the analysis of your own cross-cultural case studies.

  • You will show increased self-awareness of your own cultural values and unspoken cultural assumptions.

  • You will know how to vary your communication patterns and styles in a culturally sensitive way.


  • Degree/Certificate Passed/failed
  • Duration Summerschool Week 36
  • Schedule Week 36 (2nd–6th September 2024): Monday–Friday, 08.45am–05.15pm
  • Application deadline Week 26–30 – online in IS-Academia
    Number of places 26
    Incoming students and BFH students are advised to pre-register additionally via
  • ECTS credits 2 ECTS credits
    The module counts towards the BFH Certificate of Global Competence in accordance with the departmental requirements.
  • Costs No additional costs
  • Teaching language Teaching: English, German
    Competency assessment: English
  • Location Bern
  • School Bern University of Applied Sciences
    School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
  • Next session Autumn semester