My own app (BID0022)

Delve into the world of programming. Develop an app for your smartphone with command blocks and get to know the principles of programming in a playful way.

  • You will learn how to incorporate the sensors to be found in a smartphone (display, GPS, acceleration, etc.) in an app.

  • You will learn what kinds of communication are possible with an app and which are useful and when.

  • Together we will develop an exciting app that you can expand with your own ideas.

  • You develop your own app under individual supervision.


  • Degree/Certificate passed/failed
  • Duration Week 38–51
  • Schedule Tuesday, 04.30–06.00pm
  • Application deadline Week 26–30 – online in IS-Academia
    Number of places 20
  • ECTS credits 2 ECTS credits
  • Costs no additional costs
  • Teaching language Teaching: German (if required English)
    Competency assessment: German, French, English
  • Location Bern
  • School School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering
    School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Next session Autumn semester