Who, How, Housing (BID0402)

Everyone has to live. But how do refugees live and reside on and after flight? We visit different forms of housing and look at inclusion and diversity in our cities through the perspective of flight and housing.

  • 4C: Creativity, cooperation, communication & critical thinking.

  • Understanding the basics of social sustainability and housing and urban sociology.

WER, WIE, WOhnen?


  • Degree/Certificate passed/failed
  • Duration HS: Classes week 38–50, Excursion one Saturday in Sept./Oct.
    FS: Classes week 8–21, Excursion one Saturday in Feb./March
  • Schedule Execution a (HS): Thursday 06.15–07.45pm, one Saturday morning for excursions
    Execution b (FS): Thursday 06.15–07.45pm, one Saturday morning for excursions
  • Application deadline Week 26–30 – Online in IS-Academia
    Week 51–02 – Online in IS-Academia
    Number of Places 20
  • ECTS credits 2 ECTS
  • Costs Directions for excursions
    (Travel by public transport for excursions in the Bern area)
  • Teaching language Teaching: German
    Assessment: German, English, French
  • Location Bern
  • School School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering
    School of Social Work
  • Next session Spring semester and autumn semester