Project 5: Interdisciplinary Project (BTW7105)

Carry out real projects for real businesses issues. Develop a product/service or help a company to get improvements. Participate in interdisciplinary teams in a successful seminar which runs already for years.

  • Students can integrate knowledge from business, engineering and informatics to address real own projects.

  • They can build on the strengths of different background of the students from different disciplines.

  • Students apply the agile project management methodology for fast development. 

  • They hone their decision-making skills under possibly real conditions, such as time pressure and complex situations.

  • They can negotiate a consensus in interdisciplinary teams.

Fiche signalétique

  • Titre/Diplôme Acquis/non acquis
  • Durée KW38–03
  • Journées de cours Mercredi, 10h20–11h55
  • Délai d'inscription Sem. civiles 26–30 – en ligne en IS-Academia
    Nombre de places 6
  • Nombre de crédits ECTS 6 crédits ECTS
  • Coûts Pas de coûts supplémentaires
  • Langue d'enseignement Enseignement: Anglais
    Contrôle de compétence: Anglais
  • Lieu de formation a: Bienne
  • Département Technique et informatique
  • Prochaine édition Semestre d'automne