Informations pour les hautes écoles partenaires de la BFH

Vous trouverez ici de plus amples informations sur les mobilités internationales à la haute école spécialisée bernoise BFH. Elles sont notamment destinées aux hautes écoles partenaires de notre institution.

Swiss-European Mobility Programme SEMP

Les négociations sur la participation suisse à Erasmus+ ont été suspendues en février 2014. Depuis, la Suisse a le statut de pays partenaire, mais elle apporte une contribution importante au positionnement de la formation et de la recherche européennes dans leur ensemble et entend poursuivre sur cette voie. Notre objectif déclaré reste l’association directe à Erasmus+. C’est pourquoi un programme suisse correspondant à Erasmus+ est appliqué depuis 2014 au niveau tertiaire, sous le nom de Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP). Ce programme de mobilité offre aux hautes écoles et aux écoles supérieures suisses la possibilité de soutenir financièrement les étudiant-e-s, les enseignant-e-s et plus généralement les personnels souhaitant effectuer un séjour d'études, de stage, d'enseignement ou de formation continue en Europe.

Conditions générales

  • Toute institution de formation des pays participant au programme Erasmus+ peut entretenir une relation de mobilité avec la BFH (action clé n° 1). Le financement des mobilités (aussi bien « outgoing » qu’« incoming ») est assumé par la BFH.
  • Ce financement porte sur tous les types de mobilité (études, stages, enseignant-e-s et autres personnels).
  • Les stages effectués en Suisse ne peuvent être financés que s’ils sont coordonnés par la Haute école spécialisée bernoise.
  • Les mobilités d’étudiant-e-s et celles de personnels dans le domaine de l’enseignement s’appuient sur des accords interinstitutionnels entre la Haute école spécialisée bernoise et des hautes écoles en Europe (code Erasmus : CH Bern11 ; code ECHE :259460-LA-1-2014-1-CH-E4AKA1-ECHE / PIC: 999623995).

Montant des subsides

Les subsides SEMP pour les étudiant-e-s se montent à environ CHF 380 à CHF 440, selon le pays de provenance et le type de mobilité (études ou stage).

Les subsides SEMP pour les enseignant-e-s et autres personnels se montent à environ CHF 170 par jour et maximum CHF 500 pour les frais de voyage.

Factsheet Bern University of Applied Sciences (Anglais)

General Information

CH Bern-11 //   259460 – LA – 1 – 2014 – 1 – CH – E4AKA1 – ECHE


Bern University of Applied Sciences
Global Engagement Office GEO
Falkenplatz 24
CH-3012 Bern

Engineering and Information Technology

Emmanuel Benoist

+41 32 321 63 22

Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering
Markus Schär +41 32 344 17 44
Omar Ramon +41 31 848 52 86
Health Professions
Laura Watson +41 31 848 56 52
Social Work
Clara Bombach +41 31 848 65 90
Bern University of the Arts
Sebastian Ledesma   +41 31 848 49 23
School of Agriculture, Forest and Food Sciences
Valentine Allemann +41 31 910 21 96
Swiss Federal Institute of Sports Magglingen
Ellen Leister +41 58 467 61 24


1st Semester: Week 38 (some exceptions can occur)
2nd Semester: Week 08 (some exceptions can occur)


We accept exchanges for one or two semesters.

Does BFH require insurance for all international students?

No. However, in Switzerland health insurance for stays of longer than three months is compulsory. A basic insurance plan covers medical care in case of sickness or accident.

For further information, please visit: Living in Switzerland > Insurance

Are students required to buy BFH university insurance?

No university insurance is available.

Are vaccinations required?

No vaccinations are required.

Is there a pick-up service upon arrival?

By mentor
Students, who have organized a mentor through the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Bern Buddy System could organize a pick-up at the airport. Visit the Bern Erasmus Student Network website to find out more about the Buddy System:, or on Facebook.

Make sure to only make appointments with mentors, who are officially nominated and appointed by the Erasmus Student Network. 

By train
Switzerland has a very well-developed public transport system, which makes it easy to get around.

The application procedures vary, based on the respective program. Please find further information, a list of required documents and the necessary forms on the respective department homepage (for the main page, please visit:



 Engineering and Information Technology
 Architecture, Wood & Civil Engineering
 Business ( > Exchange) 
 Health Professions ( > Incoming Students)
 Social Work
 Bern University of the Arts
 School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL)
 Swiss Federal Institute of Sports Magglingen

Recommended nomination deadline:

  • for the autumn semester:  31 March
  • for the spring semester:  30 September

Recommended application deadline:

  • for the autumn semester:  15 April
  • for the spring semester:  15 October

Basic requirements are:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Transcript of records
  • Certificate of enrolment of sending institution or copy of your current student ID
  • Completed Learning Agreement approved by the sending institution

Please find information about any further requirements on the respective homepage or contact the respective international advisor (contact details above).

Most of our undergraduate (Bachelor) courses are taught in German (Level B2-C2 required). Our graduate (Master) courses are taught in English or German (basic German knowledge favorable).

Please find more information on admission requirements on the institutional website or on the departmental websites (as indicated above).

For undergraduate (Bachelor) students an exchange is not allowed prior to the third semester of study.

The admission letter will be sent directly to the students.

Please consult our website ( > Fees + Funding)

For SEMP exchange students (Swiss-European Mobility Programme) tuition fees are waived.

During the indirect participation at Erasmus+, through the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP), a scholarship is available for outgoing AND Incoming SEMP students.


The main language is German and several programs are taught in combination with French and English. German Level B2-C2 (depending on program) is required for programs taught in German. English Level B2-C1 is required for English programs (basic German knowledge favorable). Register – unt. Dep.

European language levels: Self Assessment Grid

Bachelor Level:

Master Level:

Competency assessments are graded with marks or with the grades "fulfilled" or "not fulfilled". Marks are either numerical marks or ECTS marks. The individual study regulations specify which grading systems are used. 

Numerical marks are:
Mark 6 excellent
Mark 5.5 very good
Mark 5 good
Mark 4.5 satisfactory
Mark 4 adequate

Marks between 1 and 3.5 are considered unsatisfactory. A mark of 3.5 can be supplemented with the rider “Rectification possible”.

ECTS grades are:
A Excellent
B Very good
C Good
D Satisfactory
E Sufficient
FX Fail; Some more work required before the credit can be awarded
F Fail; Considerable further work is required

The Departments determine how the numerical marks and the ECTS grades are applied in their study regulations. 


BFH Bern University of Applied Sciences has no central campus and therefore no central on-campus student housing.

There is a limited number of on-campus accommodation (rooms in dormitories with shared facilities) at the School of Agriculture (HAFL) in Zollikofen and at the Institute of Sports in Magglingen. These dormitories are for HAFL students and sports students only.  

There is a wide range of different housing options and it is recommended to look at studentlodge. Commonly, students rent a room in off-campus student or private apartments. The International Offices of the respective department provide support to exchange students in finding accommodation according to local standards. 

Accommodation costs about CHF 450-750 per month. The living costs for students per month are approximately between CHF 1’500 and CHF 2’400 (including accommodation).

Yes, students need to apply for housing themselves, by using the online search tools provided above. Support can be requested from the International Office of the respective department, if necessary.

For Students

Does BFH require insurance for all international students?

No. However, in Switzerland health insurance for stays of longer than three months is compulsory. A basic insurance plan covers medical care in case of sickness or accident. For further information, please visit Living in Switzerland.

Are students required to buy BFH university insurance?

No university insurance is available.

No vaccinations are required.

By mentor

Students, who have organized a mentor through the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Bern Buddy System could organize a pick-up at the airport. Visit the Bern Erasmus Student Network website to find out more about the Buddy System:, or on Facebook.

Make sure to only make appointments with mentors, who are officially nominated and appointed by the Erasmus Student Network. 

By train

Switzerland has a very well-developed public transport system, which makes it easy to get around.

Dossier médias BFH International

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Change your View – Study with passion, study in Bern!

Studying as an Exchange Student at HKB in Bern

Etudier à la BFH


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