Environment and Conflict in West Africa

The research project shall contribute to conflict avoidance and resolution related to the use and protection of natural resources. The results will serve as a key basis for applied conflict avoidance frameworks.

Fiche signalétique

  • Département responsable Haute école des sciences agronomiques, forestières et alimentaires
  • Institut Gestion multifonctionnelle des forêts
  • Unité de recherche Politique forestière et gestion forestière internationale
  • Organisation d'encouragement Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (Bundesverwaltung)
  • Durée 01.04.2013 - 31.12.2015
  • Responsable du projet Astrid Mirjam Zabel von Felten
  • Direction du projet Astrid Mirjam Zabel von Felten
  • Équipe du projet Astrid Mirjam Zabel von Felten
    Mark Günter
  • Partenaire EDA
  • Mots-clés Conflict avoidance, resource mapping, forest, West Africa


The project goal is to develop methodological guidance on West African resource conflict and conflict avoidance within REDD+ that can be used in the region and also in Swiss positions and UN convention processes.


A scientific review will be produced on factors found to improve natural resource conflict prevention and avoidance. The factors identified in the scientific review will then be discussed and developed further with stakeholders in the selected African countries. These findings will feed into an online tool that will be developed for natural resource mapping and conflict avoidance. The tool will be applied to the West African region.