Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia

Nature Conservation Programme is an umbrella programme that integrates all activities in the Bregalnica Region and follows a systemic approach in implementation of the interventions for nature conservation and sustainable development.

Fiche signalétique

  • Départements participants Haute école des sciences agronomiques, forestières et alimentaires
  • Institut(s) Gestion multifonctionnelle des forêts
  • Unité(s) de recherche Politique forestière et gestion forestière internationale
  • Organisation d'encouragement Autres
  • Durée (prévue) 01.04.2017 - 31.12.2021
  • Direction du projet Prof. Dr. Jürgen Blaser
  • Équipe du projet Jelena Markovic
    Prof. Dr. Jürgen Blaser
  • Partenaire Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Forestry
    Nature Conservation Programme
  • Mots-clés Regional development, biodiversity, integrative forest management, Eastern Macedonia


The project goal is to strengthen and to facilitate transfer of international and Swiss expertise and knowledge on new approaches of integrative forest management to the forestry sector in Macedonia adapted to local conditions.


High percentage of forest cover in the Bregalnica watershed makes it and its biodiversity a major assets in the region. Through cooperation with the Faculty of Forestry and on behalf of the Swiss Development Cooperation, HAFL is facilitating activities on preparation, promotion and implementation of a regional forest management plan, as one measure for sustainable management of natural resources.


Partnership is strengthened, facilitating transfer of international and Swiss expertise and knowledge on new approaches of integrated forest management to the forestry sector in Macedonia through: block lectures at the Faculty in Skopje, presenting previous development in the project at the Macedonian day at the HAFL, developing together 2 BSc and 2 MSc thesis, initiating realization of the first Regional forest management plan in the East Region of Macedonia.


The cooperation in the scope of the Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia and partnership between HAFL and the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje will be continued in 2018, with prospects of continuing it until 2020.

Ce projet contribue aux objectifs de développement durable suivants

  • 13: Lutte contre le changement climatique
  • 15: Protection de la faune et de la flore terrestres