CARE4C - Carbon smart forestry under climate change
CARE4C combines expertise and research in carbon management in forests with advanced career building qualification by teaching, training and involving ESR's. The project includes climatic zones from Mediterranean to sub-boreal areas.
Fiche signalétique
- Départements participants Haute école des sciences agronomiques, forestières et alimentaires
- Institut(s) Gestion multifonctionnelle des forêts
- Unité(s) de recherche Production forestière
- Organisation d'encouragement Europäische Union
- Durée (prévue) 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2022
- Direction du projet Prof. Dr. Martin Ziesak
Équipe du projet
Prof. Dr. Martin Ziesak
Dr. Michael Starke
Hansueli Waldmeister -
FORA Forest Technologies SLL
Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego Poland
Agresta S. Coop
Ministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Natur- und Verbraucherschutz des Landes NRW
Burgergemeinde Bern
INIA Madrid
Technische Universität München
Universidad de Valladolid
Grosse Kreisstadt Traunstein
Libera Universita di Bolzano
Università degli Studi di Padova
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Bialowieski Park Narodowy - Mots-clés climate change, carbon sequestration /footprint, forestry, risk assessment, sustainability
CARE4C aims at substantially expanding knowledge about carbon sink by forest growth and carbon source by forest operations in order to enable carbon smart forestry under climate change.
The forest types of interest include pure/ mixed stands as well as complex structured close to nature forests. We track climate induced impacts on carbon sequestration on cell, organ, tree, landscape level. For a broad spectrum of forest types and management approaches we measure and compile information about carbon sink/ source, model the carbon balance, take into account economics and derive carbon smart forest management options under climate change .
Extension to iFOS; proposal for a standardized protocol for fuel consumption analysis in forest operation.