Market Analysis for Colombian Specialty Cocoa in Europe

Analysis of Demand Conditions for Colombian Specialty Cocoa in the Swiss and European Market (including EU Green Deal and the current Deforestation-free Supply Chain Legislation).

Fiche signalétique

  • Département responsable Haute école des sciences agronomiques, forestières et alimentaires
  • Institut HAFL Institut Hugo P. Cecchini
  • Unité de recherche Agriculture internationale et développement rural
  • Organisation d'encouragement Autres
  • Durée (prévue) 10.11.2023 - 10.05.2024
  • Responsable du projet Dr. Ingrid Fromm
  • Direction du projet Dr. Ingrid Fromm
  • Équipe du projet Dr. Ingrid Fromm
    Micha Fournier
    Prof. Dr. Matthias Meier
  • Partenaire Swisscontact
  • Mots-clés Access to markets and value chains;Society, policy and rural development;Project cycle management and impact assessment;


In accordance with the scope of the initiatives carried out within the framework of the C+C Program, related to “Vertical integration for value addition in the cocoa chain” and the “Cocoa sustainability protocol for access to the European market”, it is necessary to strengthen the analysis of the demand conditions of the European market. This is particularly the case for semi-finished products such as Cocoa Liqueur, where there’s a potential to create mechanisms that integrate the value chain in accordance with the voluntary or mandatory requirements of the related European market. The objective of the study is to analyze the market requirements demanded by European importing companies that process cocoa (with Swiss priority), as well as the mandatory or voluntary requirements regarding sustainability in accordance with the European Green Pact, with the purpose of building a business model that generate sustainable growth opportunities for the cocoa value chain.

Ce projet contribue aux objectifs de développement durable suivants

  • 1: Éradication de la pauvreté
  • 10: Réduction des inégalités
  • 12: Consommation responsable