Enhancing Youth Employment (EYE)

The consortium of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Kosovo (HSIK) and Management Development Associates (MDA) has been assigned to implement the Enhancing Youth Employment (EYE) project by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

Fiche signalétique

  • Département responsable Haute école des sciences agronomiques, forestières et alimentaires
  • Institut HAFL Institut Hugo P. Cecchini
  • Unité de recherche Agriculture internationale et développement rural
  • Organisation d'encouragement Autres
  • Durée (prévue) 30.01.2024 - 15.06.2024
  • Responsable du projet Dr. Zenebe Uraguchi
  • Direction du projet Dr. Zenebe Uraguchi
  • Équipe du projet Dr. Zenebe Uraguchi
  • Partenaire Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation
    Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • Mots-clés Access to markets and value chains;Project cycle management and impact assessment;Capacity building;Innovation and co-creation of knowledge;Knowledge management;skills development; labor market;


The project is in its third and final phase, from January 2021 to December 2024. The vision of EYE is "a dynamic and socially inclusive labor market provides more and decent jobs including self-employment for young people in Kosovo." The overall goal of EYE is to facilitate improving the labour market conditions in Kosovo and increase the employment opportunities of young Kosovar women and men – that is, their transition from school to the world of work. EYE seeks to achieve its goal in a socially inclusive and sustainable way through systemic interventions in TWO interrelated areas: (1) Young women and men in Kosovo increase their employability by enhanced market demanded skills through improved access to training through industry-led training providers and non-formal training institutions (2) Young women and men can make better-informed career choices due to a more demand-driven career guidance system, while at the same time benefitting from a more efficient labour market information system. EYE takes a systems approach to analyzing and solving problems as well as an adaptive approach to management. We think of the labor market system as an animal that needs to evolve quickly and productively - to survive in a globalized economy, and we find ways to help the system produce a more relevant, productive and promising workforce.


We also balance strategy with opportunism. We pursue our long-term goal of a dynamic labor market system while continuously identifying new promising ideas and opportunities, then we mobilize our resources and partnerships to make change happen. In skills development, EYE works to improve the training market through supporting sustainable initiatives, related to vocational skills development, and industry needs. In job intermediation, EYE addresses the inefficient (in terms of required costs, time and networks to find a job) and ineffective (in terms of a mismatch between what skills candidates offer and what employers need) matching of supply and demand in the labour market. And as part of cross-cutting activities, EYE promotes gender and social inclusion, as well as knowledge management and learning. Some of the key activities include: * Supporting the Development of Career Guidance Services for Vocational Education and Training Schools in Kosovo. *Supporting public and private job-matching & recruitment providers to offer better, socially inclusive services to young jobseekers and employers. *Supporting non-formal training providers to offer demand-oriented and socially inclusive training programs for young people. *Promoting Social Inclusion & Supporting Disadvantaged Communities. *Supporting Vocational Education & Training by engaging the private sector in curricula development and Work-based Learning (WBL).

Ce projet contribue aux objectifs de développement durable suivants

  • 4: Accès à une éducation de qualité
  • 5: Égalité entre les sexes
  • 8: Accès à des emplois décents
  • 10: Réduction des inégalités
  • 17: Partenariats pour les objectifs mondiaux