SCCER BIOSWEET - BIOmass for SWiss EnErgy fuTure

SCCER BIOSWEET focuses on the biochemical and thermochemical conversion of wood, biowaste and manure to gaseous and liquid biofuels with the goal to contribute to the Swiss Energy Transition 2050.


  • Lead-Departement Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften
  • Institut(e) Agronomie
  • Forschungseinheit(en) Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft
  • Förderorganisation Innosuisse
  • Laufzeit 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2020
  • Projektverantwortung Prof. Dr. Michael Hans-Peter Studer
  • Projektleitung Prof. Dr. Michael Hans-Peter Studer
  • Partner HES-SO
    Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt WSL
    Hochschule Luzern HSLU
    Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
    Ecole polytechnique fédérale
    Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
  • Schlüsselwörter research consortium, liquid fuels, biogas, pretreatment, consolidated bioprocessing


The Studer group (agronomy) is an academic research partner in SCCER BIOSWEET involved in WPs "Biomass to Biogas" and "Biomass to liquid fuels".


The Studer group focuses here on two topics i) the optimization of the steam-pretreatment of manure for enhanced anaerobic digestion and ii) on the up-scaling of a consolidated bioprocess (CBP). The current anaerobic digestion systems of manure have a low yield of only 25%. The goal is to double the methane production. On the other hand a CBP based on a microbial consortium was developed. The concept was proofed at the Liter-scale and needs to be up-scaled to the 150 L-scale.