
The App-Game Go2Markets is a text adventure game. The players take on the role of Beat Häfeli, who analyses a new target market for an export company and evaluates a sales partner in this market.


«Going International" and the internationalization of companies are important fields of competence for students of the management programs at Bern University of Applied Sciences. Various methods and tools have been developed for this purpose, which are now integrated didactically into the app game Go2Markets. The users learn by playing the game:

  • How to analyze a new export market
  • How to select a distribution partner in a new export country

The management programs are studied by graduate students while working full time. With the app-game, they can carry out the needed self-studies efficiently at their workplace - for example between meetings. The app-game is targeted at digital natives who spend a lot of time with their mobile phones.

Sources & Credits


Main sources used for Go2Markets are:

  • Paul Ammann et al.: «Going International - Konzepte und Methoden zur Erschliessung ausländischer Märkte», Versus Verlag Zürich,2012
  • Paul Ammann: «merz+benteli – Markteintritt Russland», in: Pepels (Hrsg.) Fallstudien zum Marketing, Herne 2015, S. 331 – 367
  • Apps «Fit2Globalize» und «Fit2Procure»


Project Management

Paul Ammann


Nicole Manojlovic


Arno Justus


Annemarie Strankmüller


Thomas Arlt

App Development

Christof Wyden, GPNet GmbH, Bern

Berner Fachhochschule BFH
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK

Many thanks for financial support: Otto Wirz Stiftung and Fachstelle Hochschuldidaktik & E-Learning of Bern University of Applied Sciences
Many thanks for loads of information regarding Russia to Daniel Rehmann

This game was developed with Twine: Anything you create with it is completely free to use any way you like, including for commercial purposes
