Modernizing VET in Agriculture in Armenia 2021-2030
The project aims to further develop country-wide work-based learning modalities, to strengthen VET- institutions and modernize the regulatory framework. This shall enable VET graduates better establish their own business or find employment.
- Beteiligte Departemente Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften
Wissenssysteme und Wissensaustausch
HAFL Institut Hugo P. Cecchini - Forschungseinheit(en) Wissenssysteme und Wissensaustausch
- Förderorganisation Andere
- Laufzeit (geplant) 01.12.2021 - 30.09.2030
- Projektleitung Johannes Brunner
Johannes Brunner
Sven Nägeli
Stefan Dubach
Romilda Torriani
Astrid Désirée Schmid
Prof. Robert Lehmann -
HEKS – Hilfswerk der Evangelisch-reformierten Kirche Schweiz
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Strategic Development Agency NGO
The MAVETA project improves the knowledge and skills of professionals and students in agriculture and related fields. It supports the development of the legal and institutional framework for dual-track vocational education and training, which combines working in a company with lessons in the vocational school. VET colleges and their A-VET teachers will organize and facilitate co-creation and knowledge exchange processes among important stakeholders in different agricultural value chains.Thus, it contributes to sustainable, climate-friendly and inclusive growth, increased incomes, and enhanced (self)employment in rural Armenia.