Dr. Madlene Nussbaum

Dr. Madlene Nussbaum Lehrbeauftragte/r
Berner Fachhochschule
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Fachbereich Agronomie
Länggasse 85
3052 Zollikofen
Research group "soil protection and soil use"
Spatial data analysis, statistical machine learning with a large number of predictors, longitudinal data analysis
Statistical modelling and prediction of categorical responses
Efficient data processing, high performance computing, paralell computing, automatic generation of data analysis reports and batch generation of figures
Visual preparation of complex analysis and topics
mostly under aplication of: R, Latex, Git, QGis, Inkscape, GIMP, Linux Desktop
Focus areas
Methodolgical developpments for soil surveys and soil mapping
Spatial prediction of soil properties for subsequent derivation of soil function assessments
Efficient data collection in the field, specification of user interfaces, management of soil- and geodata
Developpment of transfer functions to derive soil properies that are difficult or expensive to measure (pedotransferfunctions)
Statistical analysis of soil monitorings with repeated measures
Professional experience
- 2011-2013 Scientific collaborator Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zürich
- 2009 Trainee Soil protection agency of the Canton of Berne
- 2007-2008 Assistent for GIS and data management centre for development and environemnt cde, University of Berne
- 1999-2006 Professional education as comerical employee, legal secretary, human ressources assistentin Notary, Business Consulting
- 2013-2017 PhD thesis „Digital Soil Mapping for Switzerland“ Departement Umweltsystemwissenschaften, ETH Zurich
- 2012-2016 Modules CAS Spatial Information Systems Departement Bau, Umwelt, Geomatik, ETH Zurich
- 2012-2014 DAS Applied Statistics University of Berne
- 2009-2011 Master in Geography with focus on physical geography University of Zurich
- 2005-2009 Bachelor in Geography University of Berne
Internal memberships
BFH R User Group
External memberships
Soil Science Society of Switzerland
Female specialists in environment ffu-ppe
Women in geospatial+
Language skills and intercultural knowledge
Language skills
- English - Full professional proficiency
- French - Limited working proficiency